Short story | Teen Ink

Short story

January 20, 2015
By RoryT BRONZE, Gresham, Oregon
RoryT BRONZE, Gresham, Oregon
1 article 1 photo 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"There is no hate only strongly dislike."

This all started on a sunny day.We were sitting on the bigs rusty playground.It was just the right temperature for me and him.
”This heat is amazing; just about 70 degrees.” Danny said in a very peaceful tone.
”Yeah, it’s nice for a good temperature than the freezing weather we had,”I said.
”Hey you guys it’s time to go home,”said the teacher of the class we were taking that semester.
”Okay Mr.Matt,” We both shouted in unison.”Want me to walk you home?” Danny asked. “Yeah that would be nice,” I answered happily.

I run into the classroom and started to get my stuff so we could walk back.Then the principal charged in and shouted, “What are you darn kids doing in here stealing!”That Was the most angry I’d seen the man.I quickly stammered out, “N-no I was just getting my stuff.” He came back with, “Why on earth didn’t you just bring it to the playground!””Because I forgot. I am really sorry,” I said. “Whatever, just don’t do it again,” he growled out.”Hey what's all the commotion about?”it was Mr.Matt. “Thank god.”I thought to myself.”This kid left her stuff the the classroom to steal,” he shouted.”I doubt that Aurora Is a very good kid and she would never steal!Right Aurora?”he said looking at me.”Yes sir Mr.Matt stealing is wrong!”I said trying to sound like the good kid Mr.Matt was trying to make me sound like.”Hpmh! One day I will catch you slipping up and I will expel you,” he said to my face. Mr. Matt frowned at him as he left. I had only been at that school for a short while and I already knew they hated each other.

The author's comments:

I like this short story.

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