Snow day | Teen Ink

Snow day

December 17, 2014
By kevin1050 GOLD, Wentzville, Missouri
kevin1050 GOLD, Wentzville, Missouri
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In a small town on a cold snowy day. There was not much to do everyone was snowed in. There were two kids that always were getting in trouble together. Tyler and Billy, which everyone called him Bill. BIll and Tyler were in the 5th they both went to Peine RIdge Elementary. They were the best of friends, the two of them were inseparable they were always hanging out with one another.
On this particular day though the two boys were not together because they both were snowed in. Tyler called Billy early that morning to see if he wanted to come over. Billy wanted to go over to Tyler’s and play video games with him. So Billy decided he was going to head out in the cold and go to Tyler’s house.  Billy began to put his clothes on to stay warm while he was heading to Tyler’s. Once Billy was all dressed and ready to head out the door he put on his snow boots grabbed his scarf and headed out the door.
As Billy opened the door the snow blew in and the ice cold air began to make his eyes water. Billy took a step off the porch with the snow crunching as he walked in the snow. It was like a blizzard with snow whirling around Bills head and the ice cold wind blowing across his face turning his cheeks rosy red. The snow was piled up high to Bills knees as he headed down the street to Tylers. The snow was soft and fluffy with a small layer of thin ice on top as it rest on the ground.
Bill rounded the corner and was almost to Tylers house, when he felt the sidewalk start to rumble. Bill wasn’t sure what the noise was or where it was coming from. He began to walk faster toward Tylers. The noise of something scraping the ground became louder and louder as Bill began to run to Tylers. Then a huge cloud of snow shot from the road onto the sidewalk where Bill was running. The cloud of snow made it hard for Bill to see anything and began to become scared. As the sound went rumbling past BIll he noticed that it was just a snow plow that had come through trying to clear the streets.
Bill slowed his running pace to a slow walk as he crept down the street to Tylers. Bill was shaking and shivering because of the cold and all the snow was now seeping into his clothes. Bill kept walking through the snow to Tyler’s, as the snow crunched below his feet he noticed that the wind was starting to pick up more and it was starting to snow more. The weather started looking like a blizzard. The roads became covered with snow and sleet as Bill walked to Tyler’s.
Tyler began to become nervous because it was taking Bill so long to get to his house it had already been an hour since Tyler had talked to Bill. Tyler was worried and decided that he was going to go and look for Bill to make sure that he was okay. Tyler got all bundled up and headed out the door in the direction of Bills. Tyler started walking at a fast pace toward Bill’s house. Tyler slowed his pace as headed toward what looked to be another person heading his way.
As Bill was walking toward Tylers he began to noticed someone walking down the sidewalk right at him. He was a little frightened and wanted to turn back and head the other way, but kept on heading toward Tylers. The figure kept coming closer and closer.
“Bill is that you.” Tyler shouted
“Yeah is that you Tyler?” Bill replied
“Yeah lets go inside its getting cold.” Tyler replied
The two boys headed inside to warm up. They both sat in front if the T.V. playing video games and watching T.V. The two boys hung out all day until it was time for Billy to make the treacherous walk home. When it was time for Bill to go home he bundled up and headed toward the door. He stepped onto the porch and started the long walk back home.

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