Time Ticks | Teen Ink

Time Ticks

December 7, 2014
By Buzzlive GOLD, New Delhi, Other
Buzzlive GOLD, New Delhi, Other
13 articles 4 photos 10 comments

Favorite Quote:
For nobody stand by you, when you need them. Everybody is there when they need you. You are clearly stronger than you think.

Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. That’s two seconds gone now. Wait…That’s three seconds gone. I pinch myself in the insane hope that all this might just turn out to be a figment of my imagination, at the most a dream. But, no, it is reality. And in reality, there is a real bomb threatening to really blow up the real world in four hours. Now, it is looking serious to me. Four hours that’s two hundred forty minutes. Two hundred forty minutes that’s fourteen thousand four hundred seconds.

It would have been so, if , my curiosity had not intervened. If I had not touched that small metallic box that peeped out of the mulberry bushes( almost deliberately) but I had, there was no reversing. It had looked  extremely tempting and  being an enthusiastic teenager I couldn’t resist. Curiosity. Four hours was now just one hour. I realized my calamity, my position, my naivety and felt this distinct urge to kick myself .And ,I know, I have to run somewhere. Do something. To save the world.

I can feel the cool wind puncture my cheeks, it was cold but I did not care. I am too insignificant. I stop to gather myself, I was going aimless. Where am I going? That’s something to think about. I wait for a burst of brilliance to cross my mind. And it doesn’t. Why is it always that my mind happens to be ever last to be hit by intelligence?
Wait….Mr. Mathur!!

Oh yes, that bomb squad man who came to our school for safety sessions. Yes! 33D-32D…33D! 33D, Near the bakery,! I started to walk, then run, then stumble.
On reaching an orange painted house that looked far too cheerful for a situation like this, I halted. The house was cemented, however an unmistakable fragrance of flowers hung. I could see  tulips,  dahlias,  lilies , roses and even, orchids( they are extremely priceless). They were huddled together in a bright burst of color, all bloomed and ready to live. They gave me hope. On the  other hand the polished door, inlaid with expensive ivory, seemed to be taunting me by telling me that no Mr. Mathur lived here. But the flowers knew he did. They told me. However, a seemed dual between the door and the flowers influenced me. I would take  two steps forward and three steps back. But when I knew it was the least worry to turn up at the wrong door, I strode up to the door( who eventually notified that Mr. Mathur did live here) and kept my finger continuously pressed on the  automated doorbell. I could feel time pass, it made me tremble.

Finally, the door opened( with a little effort for it looked too heavy) and stood there an average looking man with hints of white hair and a salt pepper stubble. Mr. Mathur, dressed in his casual dhoti and shirt, looked just about the same I had seen before. He was sharp, extremely intellectual with a spray of freckles on his nose . He was probably sleeping  for his hair was unkempt and he looked dazed. He was clearly annoyed at the sudden disturbance(Me) that forced him to wake up.I could almost see a divine white light emitting from him and an aura of supremacy that hung around him reminded me of the importance of his presence.

“Yes?” He asked me, stooping low for I was short.

“Mr. Mathur ! There- a- a- bomb, near the fence. Please…” I stopped when I realized that his eyes were portraying no emotion. No shock. Nothing at all.  Except maybe a twinkle in his eyes seemed to suggest that he was mildly amused. Amused?

“Bomb? Really? ” The corners of mouth twisted into a soft smile.

I faltered. Is this the same Mr. Mathur who once told me that I was too brave to be a girl? Where is he?

“But….the bomb….I don’t know what to do.” My voice, with sudden firmness, told him,” Sir, there’s a bomb in the park. You have to deactivate it. Now.”

Mr. Mathur looked at me, annoyingly, almost pitifully.

“Dear, a bomb in the park? Are you sure or are you the celebrated little prankster playing tricks on me? Huh?”

I looked at him with disgust and despair, utterly consumed by my helplessness and the indifference he showed.

“Sir, You- are – A- COWARD!”

I ran away from there, tears in my eyes. I did not look back to see if he was following me, because I knew he was not. I heard the door shut. Tightly. Loudly. The flowers were calling me, I could hear them but I did not look back. There was no time to look back.

Human indifference surprises me…..sometimes taunting and mostly, vexing .I ran to the park, behind the bushes, where the bomb was kept. It was dangerously close to me. It looked evil, vicious and….demanding.

Ignorance is a bliss that not all people can acquire. I had my chance, then why not ignore  the constant ticking sound that seemed to engulf me? I sighed, a relieved sigh mostly because I knew nothing could save. I did my bit, or did I ?

I neared the bomb and stood before it, hands shaking, sweating profusely, teeth clattering.


Why am I in such a turmoil? Why is it me? Why not that fat lady who bargains with the vegetable seller? Why not the vegetable seller himself? Why…Me? Life is so unfair.
To be honest, I am frustrated. Frustrated with the bomb. Frustrated with Mr. Mathur. Frustrated with me. This was the longest one hour of my life, maybe last. Goodness, this tornado of emotions that I am going through, now , is amazing. Some emotions that I have never felt before.  The ticking was just not stopping! Someone stop it! Do something!


My hands , then shook firm , sending a wave of confidence in me. For once, I knew what to do, I had to do. With just 30 seconds remaining, I felt only my decision mattered now. Blue wire or the red one? Isn’t it fascinating how the most insignificant things hold power to great expectations? Red to cut…Blue to cut….Red… Well, let it be blue. I couldn’t think much, you know. Time does not wait. I yanked the wire and the ticking stopped. I closed my eyes, expecting a blast and when two seconds passed with no debris flying, I realized.

I saved the world .
I am just 14.

Life tends to surprise you in ways that seem impossible, its time you surprise life by doing the impossible.

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This article has 1 comment.

Buzzlive GOLD said...
on Dec. 19 2014 at 5:01 am
Buzzlive GOLD, New Delhi, Other
13 articles 4 photos 10 comments

Favorite Quote:
For nobody stand by you, when you need them. Everybody is there when they need you. You are clearly stronger than you think.

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