Kidnapped | Teen Ink


December 9, 2014
By KateP BRONZE, Denver, Colorado
KateP BRONZE, Denver, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Hey!” Amy shouts at me.
“Hey!” I say.  At lunch, Amy said that she was going on a trip to Europe with the school and asked if I wanted to go. Europe was my dream vacation. Amy said that all I had to do is ask my mom to attend a parent meeting. The deadline was approaching and I was required to give the school a copy of my birth certificate and $500 deposit. So when the final bell rang, I ran home as fast as I could to ask my mom. I wanted to go so badly. I rushed in the door and my mom was cooking dinner.
“Mom, can I go to Europe with the school?”
“Well, I don't know. How much does it cost?”
“It costs 2,000 dollars plus any extra money for food and things I will want to buy.”
“Do you know anyone going?”
“Amy is going”
“Sure, I guess you can go if Amy goes.”
“Thank you mom, I love you so much!”
“Oh yeah I almost forgot I will also need my birth certificate and a $500 deposit by the end of the week.”
“To go out of the country, I need my birth certificate.”
“Now that I’m thinking about it, I don’t think that you are ready for a trip by yourself” my mom said. I didn’t understand why five minutes ago I was allowed to go and now I can’t. A river started to flow from my eyes. I bet Amy’s mom was letting her go.  I didn’t talk to my mom all night. I was so angry. I cried myself to sleep.
The next day, I told Amy that I couldn’t go and she said that she couldn’t go either. I felt a little better, but Europe was still my dream vacation.  I told my teacher the story and she just nodded her head and said that was too bad. Then in period 7, I got asked down to the principal’s office. The principal told me that a man from  Social Services suspects that I was kidnapped when I was a newborn. What is he thinking? He must be mistaken. He then introduced me to a man from Social Services who was going to take me to the Social Services headquarters to go over some information with me. I don’t even know what just happened. I haven’t even got a chance to process a thought.  The principal came with me and the social service man to the headquarters.  When I walked in everyone knew my name and people seemed happy to see me and some people just acted odd around me.
“I demand to know where my mom is right now!” I shouted and I was picked up a carried into his office. He sat me down and then when I finally calmed down and stopped asking questions, he introduced himself and said that his name was Darius and he has been looking for me for the past 14 years.
He told me again that my mom was not my mom. He told me that I had been kidnapped when I was 4 days old and that my mom and another woman broke into my house and murdered my parents and took me and my sister.
“You’re joking right?”
“I don’t know how much more clearer I can make this.”
I knew that this thought could not be true. My mom loves me and cares for me and I love her just as a much as she loves me. When they showed me pictures of the crime scene and my parents dead bodies. I had to believe them.  I immediately wanted to know who my sister is.  They said that she is here as well, but we can’t meet each other for a few days. They have called my aunt and uncle and they are going to be here in a few days to come and meet us. My sister and I were going to live with them.
  My mom will be put in jail and I’m never going to see her again in my life. I didn’t  know whether to feel sad or happy.  I  wanted to go and lay in my bed, and think.  I had to sleep at a hotel that  Social Services had set up for me. I didn’t go to bed until 3 in the morning, I cried myself to sleep.
When I woke up, I hoped that it was all a dream, but it wasn’t. I got out of bed and took a shower I had to wear the same clothes as yesterday. When I looked in the mirror I just saw a girl, I didn’t see myself.   I was told that someone was going over to my house  and get all of my stuff. I wasn’t worried about that though, I just wanted to meet my sister. I didn’t even want my stuff.  I felt like I no longer had anyone. I needed some sense of family. 
I got all of my stuff a few hours later so I just sat in the lobby on my phone. When I finally got bored I just laid there thinking.  I then saw through a glass wall there was Amy, they were probably just telling her about me. I wanted to talk to her but they wouldn’t let me. I had dinner and went to bed. Another day had passed, and I didn’t know anything about myself.
I woke up and pretty much did the same thing that I did yesterday. I found out a few things about my parents and my family. My aunt and uncle were coming tomorrow to pick up my sister and I and take us to New York where we were going to live from now on.  I won’t get to meet my sister until tomorrow a few hours before we leave.  They said that I could take my clothes that I already had or I can get a whole new wardrobe in  New York. I chose to get everything new in New York, I didn’t want anything to do with my old life.
I had Wendy’s for dinner and I stayed up all night. I was so anxious to meet my sister and my new family. I felt like I was getting adopted in a way.  It was around 6 in the morning and I went to go and get some water. There were already a lot of people here, there was even news stations here because this has been a story on the news ever since I was kidnapped.  I suddenly got really nervous and kind of mad. I didn’t want to share this day with the whole world. I felt like everyone was expecting me to act a certain way, but I didn’t how to  act.
  I went back into my room and cried for hours and then decided to go get showered and dressed. I am going to meet my sister today. I can’t even think but, I imagine my sister to be pretty, nice and and look just like me. 
The time I have been waiting for is here. Butterflies were swarming in my stomach.  They made sure that this was a special moment so made these cute doors that we are both going to walk through and see each other. We are then going to spend the rest of the day together while my aunt and uncle fill out a bunch of papers.
“Okay 1,2, 3,” I open the door and words cannot express what I saw . I saw my best friend, Amy! I didn’t  know what to think. Should I be happy? Should I be excited? Should I be sad? We went in for a hug without saying anything. Did I even know my best friend? Did she even know me?  We just stared at each other for a while. We sat in the lobby together and started talking.  She knew more than I did. She said that both of our “moms” killed our parents and then our moms split us up.  Supposedly, our mom had been best friends, but they just never showed it in front of us. It didn’t feel entirely right that she was my sister. She was supposed to be my best friend, not my sister. I was scared that if we lived together,  we wouldn’t like each other.
We sat and talked about what was going to happen to us and how our new lives were going to be. I had to admit, I was happy about going to live in New York, but I just wish that my life didn’t turn out this way. I couldn’t stop thinking about what my aunt and uncle were going to be like and what it was going to be like living with Amy. Right now all I wanted to see was my mom. I didn’t care if she kidnapped me. I knew she loved me, but how am I supposed know my whole life had been one big lie.
My aunt and uncle were going to be here in an hour, I just wanted to get out of this place and start my life from scratch. I hoped my aunt and uncle didn’t bring up the fact that I had been kidnapped.  I especially didn’t want to hear about my real parents. I didn’t care what my life could have been like and I didn’t want to know. What’s done is done.
The hour passed by very quickly. The man who had picked me up from school came and gets us and takes to a room.  There is a woman in there but she is not my aunt. They say that they are on their way right now. They go over some things with us like what is going to happen. They told us that we are going to receive counseling together and individually. I am glad that we are going to get counseling individually because I don’t want her to know everything that I’m going through right now.  They tell us that our cousins aunt and uncle are going to try to do their best to make a normal life for us. I forgot we are going to have other brothers and sisters, but I just don’t know if I want to be around that many people yet.
Soon my aunt and uncle walked through the door my aunt was short and skinny and she had long brown hair she was beautiful, my uncle was tall and had brown hair and kind of looked like my dad or at least what he looked like in the pictures I saw of him. I wasn’t disappointed or happy I didn’t really know what to expect.  They talked to us and the social service guy for a few hours and then it was finally time to go and we got in a taxi and we were off to the airport.  This might be the last time I’m ever in Washington but I’m really excited to go to New York. I can’t wait to forget everything that has happened and start a brand new life.
When we are on the plane me and Amy sit together and my aunt and uncle sit next to each other as well. They whisper quietly. Me and Amy talk a little but then we watch a movie, we watch Matilda that is Amy’s favorite movie. When the movie is over we only have about 30 minutes left on the plane and so I pack up my backpack and get ready to leave I’m starting to feel  claustrophobic. The thirty minutes pass by slowly I jump up, stretch my legs and walk of the plane and it does not look like New York. All of a sudden there is lady saying
“Welcome to France, enjoy your stay”
I look at Amy and then at the same time we look at our Aunt and Uncle, we scream and hug them. They wanted to take us on a trip to Europe before we went to New York. I was so excited! When I realized what was going I forgot about everything I had just been through.  We were going to spend 2 weeks in Europe and then go to New York and the start our new lives.

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