Whiteout | Teen Ink


November 20, 2014
By alemaire14 SILVER, Needham, Massachusetts
alemaire14 SILVER, Needham, Massachusetts
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The eerie white lights of the bathroom nearly blind me. I reach over and shut them off. All I am left with is my hideous reflection in the mirror; I turn them back on. The gray metal stool feels cool under me. I shiver as my vision gazes over at the pile of pills. Their white glow is such contrast to the black counter top.
I continually hear the endless torment of Brooke, the “queen bee” in school. “Come on Tris, tell everyone how you were too scared to ride the ferris wheel at the carnival. You’re such a baby!” She’s right; the entire school knows it, and so do I. What’s even worse is that it doesn’t stop when I’m home. Brooke created a whole Instagram page to be mean to me.
"Stop stalling," I tell myself. I grab a pill with one hand, and then my glass of water. I slowly bring the pill to my agape mouth, and swallow it. "There, that wasn't so hard, was it?"
I hesitate as I go for the second pill. Then, I suddenly get a flash of the worst day of my life. "Omg, can you believe Tris!?" Brooke practically shouts from the back of the class. "I know, like, does she really think she, like, even has any friends?" One of Brooke's minions replies. "As if!” Brooke cries “That loser wannabe is a parasite on this earth. Everyone would be better off if she just died." By then it didn’t matter anymore, I had given up.
I am about to take the pill when I hear a voice in my head. My sister's?"Stay strong Tris, don't let them control your life." That was the last thing Emilia said to me before she left for college. "I can’t do this to her or mom and dad," I whisper. And I can't let her win. If I die, Brooke wins and that exactly what she can't have.
Suddenly, I hear my mom's key rattle at the door. I make my decision, quickly push the pills down the drain and walk out.

The author's comments:

I wrote this story about a girl facing serious issues with bullying. I have a friend who told me about their evperience with bullying. They faced anorexia and suicidal thoughts. Luckly, they came to someone before it got as far as I wrote about in my story. I hope that my writing will show people that no matter how bad things seem, there is always a reason to keedp going.

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