I'm Getting Out of This Beautiful Place | Teen Ink

I'm Getting Out of This Beautiful Place

November 10, 2014
By HaileyStokes BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
HaileyStokes BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Busy streets are cleaned to a spotless perfection. Crisp and polished workmanship is evident in the huge skyscrapers that tower over the civilians. But the height of the buildings don't even come close to meeting the heights of the noses of the people who pass these buildings everyday. As I pass through in my less than satisfactory attire and my different personality, I see the disapproval that lies in everyone's eyes. I match their glance, trying to tell them that I never wanted to end up here. That I never thought that I would find myself in a place so judgemental yet beautiful at the same time. I don't fit in here. I shy away from the everyday conversation and street noise. Maybe I wasn't meant for the city life, or maybe I couldn't ever see myself with my nose raised high and my judgment looking down on everyone, or maybe I just knew that I had more potential than this. For now, my future is unclear, but one thing is for certain, the day my wings grow is the day that I can escape this life that I never wanted.

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