The Assassin Experience | Teen Ink

The Assassin Experience

May 6, 2014
By Anonymous

This past weekend, I was so excited to go to Comic Con, a convention for video games, comics, and TV shows. I decided to dress up as Connor Kenway, the main assassin from Assassin’s Creed III. I drove up with my friend, Emily, and we walked into our very first convention. Our minds were blown at how amazing the place looked and the amount of merchandise we could blow our money on. Emily immediately ran off to find League of Legends merchandise. I definitely appreciated the abandonment. For the most part, everyone cosplayed as something, including one person who was dressed as Altair, my favorite assassin from the Assassin’s Creed series. I went to ask if I could take a picture with him, but I stop in my tracks when all of a sudden, I see something glowing in his hand. It was the Apple of Eden, an object that was created by the first civilizations at the dawn of time and possesses a power beyond comprehension. For centuries, the Templars have tried to capture the Apple to use its power in a way that would cause the fall of mankind. Now that I got a closer look at his costume, it looked exactly like it did in the game. The Apple was extremely real looking too. He put the Apple in his coat and swiftly walked towards the back of the convention. I ran after him because I wanted to tell him how great his costume looked and get my picture with him. He stopped right in front of me and I ran into him because I did not stop soon enough. We both fell and I saw the Apple roll three feet in front of him. I apologized and when he looked up at me, I froze. This was the Altair Ibn-La'Ahad, one of the greatest assassins to ever live! He is from the time of the crusades, so I could not imagine why he would be in 2014. I could not comprehend how he got here, but then he spoke which reassured me it was really Altair.

“Have you seen the Templars in the last five minutes my fellow member of the brotherhood?” he asked me, “I’m not exactly from this period in history but I thought bringing the Apple to future assassins would help keep it safe from the Templars. It was a good plan at least until one of them caught me time traveling using a time machine made by Malcolm Devonovi, from the era of World War 3. Were you born yet? Wow, the corruption that has…”

“Wait, World War 3?” I asked him, “There’s going to be time travel too?”

“Oh! Um… what year is this?”

“2014,” I replied.

“Forget what I said then. Anyway I need your help getting out of here.”

At that moment we saw the Templars heading straight for us. Altair pulled out the Apple, held it up, and used its power to freeze everyone.

“You’re not affected by the Apple’s power!” he exclaimed looking at me, “Only the strongest assassins can withstand its force.”

“I’m an assassin!?” I said in shock, “I’m sure my parents and grandparents were not assassins though.”

“Perhaps it was lost throughout the generations but you must come from a member of the brotherhood’s bloodline. Now, we will figure this out later, but first we need to escape the premise.”

He began running towards something that appeared out of nowhere and signaled me to go with him. This random object in the air was the time travel portal I then realized. We jumped through the portal and arrived in the crusades, the present day for Altair. I was about to embark on an unbelievable adventure I would never forget.

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