Special Timing | Teen Ink

Special Timing

October 31, 2013
By Skici BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
Skici BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I close my eyes last night before I start dreaming up old memories of the past. it was a Friday night on a June day. I was riding down the highway with a few good friends from class. We were taking a trip to the beach just the week before prom for senior spirit week. It was Mariah Monique Raheem and I . Riding with the top down ,and the ladies hair was blowing with the wind. It was so hot that night. The ride was staring at me rubbing her hand on my shoulder with the smile. My girlfriend since freshman year. Monique and Raheem wanted to tag along to get to know each other better. Anyhow Monique had to use the bathroom so we had to pull over on the side of the road. She went back into the woods with Mariah as we sat in the car and waited, not after followed by a text message on my phone. It was my friend asking me about prom after party, and it had my full attention. So much, I didn't hear the girls return. We begin our ride, when my phone went off again. I took a look at it with one hand on the wheel. Then it was screaming as I looked up, to see a car swerving without it headlights towards us. It was a straight on crash, and the car flipped over before it went black. When I opened my eyes again, I remembered seeing blurry figures and whiteness. I'd been in a coma for six months at the hospital. My friends didn't make it, was what my mom told me. All that plays in my mind is, when I took my eyes off the road to text. What I've learned that memorable night was; to be smart, don't text and drive.!

The author's comments:
It's just explaining why you shouldn't text and drive.

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