Champions: The Story Of The Blue Storm | Teen Ink

Champions: The Story Of The Blue Storm

October 28, 2013
By NJZ70 BRONZE, Monticello, Illinois
NJZ70 BRONZE, Monticello, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Champions: The Story Of The Blue Storm

Jamarius took a deep breath. Eastland High had been down the whole game but Jamarius had pulled a Marshawn Lynch, a put the team on your back kind of play. He had done it 2 minutes into the 4th quarter. He broke the tackles of almost everyone on the Ridgeview defense. He had ran in the endzone for a touchdown. There was 2 minutes left now and Ridgeview was driving. Both crowds had been wild for the whole state championship, but now Ridgeview’s fans went crazy. As the Ridgeview quarterback took his usual 5 step drop back his wide out cut into the wide open end zone. The quarterback made the routine throw and the wide out caught it.

"Touchdown Ridgeview!" The announcer yelled into the microphone, putting just enough emphasis on the phrase. 28 Ridgeview 21 Eastland, 45 seconds left to go in the game.

Its my time now Jamarius thought as he trotted onto the field for the kick return. Ridgeview kicked the ball away from him but Harris, the other kick returner for Eastland, reversed the ball to Jamarius. He made a couple guys miss and got tackled at Eastland's own 40 yard line. With 37 seconds to go the Eastland head coach called for pass plays to the sidelines. Eastland drove the ball down to the Ridgeview 20. That's when Eastlands coach called the play everyone had been waiting for.

"Halfback Swing Screen on me! Ready break!!"

Jamarius woke up and got dressed. He wore his jersey, as he did every Friday. He had his usual Friday breakfeast, a granola bar and a glass of milk. He climbed into his 04' Ford Tauras. The commute to school was a short 8 minutes, down the streets of Vandalia, Vermont. It was the home of the Eastland Blue Storm. When Jamarius got to school he saw many signs saying "Beat Ridgeview" or "Sock it to the Bobcats!". School limped by. Jamarius got his test back in math. He had gotten a B-, not acceptable by his mom's standards. Lunch came and passed, as well as every one of Jamarius's afternoon classes. Finally the final bell of the day rang, and the students streamed from the classrooms. Jamarius went to the usual meeting place for all Eastland football players, the football field. They threw footballs to each other, each and everyone of the players getting loose. They set off to Montpelier, were the state championship was held. Several hours later it was gametime. The players for both teams were lose. The lights were on. The coaches had made their pre-game speeches. It was time for kickoff. The Ridgeview Bobcats took the opening kick back for a touchdown. All of the Eastland fans went hush. The Ridgeview fans roared. The Eastland offense was no pushover though, and drove the ball down for the first Eastland touchdown. The game wore on, Ridgeview having the edge the whole game. 2 minutes into the 4th though, Jamarius had a Marshawn Lynch run. the game was tied. But with 2 minutes left to go Ridgeview scored making the game 28 Ridgeview 21 Eastland. Jamarius received the reverse from Harris on the kickoff and took it to his own 40 yard line. Eastland drove the ball down to the Ridgeview 20 with 5 seconds to go in the game.

Eastland galloped to the line of scrimmage and made adjustments. Then the quarterback yelled "Hike" and the play was off. Jamarius was supposed to act like he was blocking and then go out for the pass. He ran it to perfection and found himself wide open. He caught it and walked in the end zone as the buzzer sounded. 28 Ridgeview 27 Eastland. The crowd for Eastland erupted. The coach had a decision to make. Go for it or kick the field goal. He decided to go for it. The play was a fake field goal, where he would "hold" the ball for the kicker to kick, but the kicker wouldn't kick it. Instead Jamarius would take the ball and go behind his blockers. They lined it up and Jamarius yelled "hit". He "held" the ball but right before the kicker would usually kick it, Jamarius took the ball. He couldn't find an opening anywhere so he ran into the pile of players that was the line. He leaped over the line and into the end zone. The referee raised his arms in a U shape that signaled a conversion. The play had been a success. The scoreboard read 28 Ridgeview 29 Eastland. Game over. The Eastland Blue Storm had risen victorious.

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