Broken | Teen Ink


November 7, 2012
By CieraGillenH2O BRONZE, Powhatan, Virginia
CieraGillenH2O BRONZE, Powhatan, Virginia
3 articles 2 photos 0 comments

In the far corner of the room she lays, blanket wrapped tightly around her and over her head. Looking down, she is refusing eye contact with the creatures that confront her. Shaking, she shakes furiously, her body protesting against her actions. Her mind shrieking, heart thumping, and soul dying. Slowly, effortlessly, painfully, unforgettably dying. They walk towards her, speaking words she can’t understand or maybe just choices to tune out. Her mind racing, a million miles an hour, not slowing down, no control as to where it goes. It’s like being in a car and seeing the crash about to happen and not being able to stop it. Uncontroable. Full of fear, and paranoia of her surroundings. Suffering, what undeniable suffering has gotten her to this point of such a break? Her hand tapping a piece of glass against the wood floor. Tapping. Tapping. Tapping. Keeping beat to remind her to focus on something. Hear the tapping, to feel the tapping. They reach a hand toward her and she screams. Untouched, she must remain untouched. The cuts on her stomach bleed, self-inflicted their sure but cant know until she speaks. Tears stream down her face, her hair sticking to the snot on her skin. How does a girl get here? A straight A student, church every Sunday, works with kids, beauty that just glows in her presence, now lays shriveled on the floor. What once was something to be proud of is now something no one must see. She smells from a combination of alcohol, weed, and sweat. The night remains a blur. Shaking, rocking, tapping, questioning how, how she wonders. How did she get here, what happened, what’s happening? Her friends all left, it’s just her now, her, the people who found her, and the cops that just arrived. The tears stream down her face like diamonds falling out the sky. In the far corner of the room she lays, blanket wrapped tightly around her and over her head. She lays there alone, shaking, scared, and lost. She lays there broken.

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on Nov. 13 2012 at 6:10 pm
MaliLove BRONZE, Maple Hts., Ohio
4 articles 0 photos 6 comments

Favorite Quote:
Learn from Yesterday. Live for Today. Hope for Tomorrow

Omg. I LOVE your writing!!! It was a great story. I loved every minute of it :)