The End of a Book | Teen Ink

The End of a Book

October 2, 2012
By viviahn BRONZE, Fremont, California
viviahn BRONZE, Fremont, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I wander down the street, gazing at the beautiful decorations around me. Bright lights dangle down from the neatly-trimmed foliage. Elegant ladies and dapper men stroll past me, bundled in their coats and scarves. Not a single person notices me as I walk up to door which leads to stairs into a towering building. A great sense of loneliness washes over me; I’m alone in a world where no one remembers me or knows my name.

Swiftly, I put my key into the door, and it slides open with ease. I turn around in a full circle, checking to see if there's anyone near me. Maybe, just maybe, I'm hoping someone will see me, and try to stop me, that someone will tell me it's okay, tell me that what I'm about to do is wrong. However, although many people do pass by, not a single one even glances my way. I step into the hallway and turn to the stairs. I take a step, unsure at first. The rest of the steps is a blur to me, and before I know it, I'm at the top. It feels like I'm on a cloud. From where I'm standing, I can see stars, bright sparks in the dark sky. Soon, I'll be among them. Walking onto the ledge, I take a step, another step, and yet another. I close my eyes for the last time. They stay closed.

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