death through love | Teen Ink

death through love

September 26, 2012
By Corwine4321 BRONZE, Grapevine, Texas
Corwine4321 BRONZE, Grapevine, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Stop you don’t have to do this!” I exclaimed
“Hey! You’re the kid that defended me!” Jack replied
“I’m here to tell you that this is the kind of life that you don’t want!”
“why are you defending that bully? He has done nothing to deserve love of any kind!” Jack exclaimed
“o try to love all people. Jesus, my Savior, died for everyone. Not just me or you but everyone.” I said
“He doesn’t deserve this love!” Jack exclaimed
The bullet zoomed out of the gun in the direction of Ricky leaving me only 2 choices.
How did I get here my day started off so much brighter? my name is Corwine it means friend of the heart. I have tried to do my best to live for God at School. I try to love everyone I come in contact with.
Meg, my best friend and I were on my way to school and I see Ricky and his Gang huddled in a circle. Ricky was a very built guy and he was always hanging out with his hockey friends who were built just like he was. We then realized that Ricky and his gang were huddled around a kid. I have seen him before a school; his name is jack. He isn’t very tall and he is extremely skinny we ran over to Ricky and confronted him.
“Hey what’s your deal?” Ricky said suprised
“Ricky why are you bulling Jack? Especially when you are so much bigger than he is?” I said
“I don’t have to explain myself to you” Ricky exclaimed
“Corwine you’ll get out of my way if you know what’s good for you!”
“Ricky I don’t think you want to do this.” I said
“How do you know what I want?” Ricky said
“I don’t think anyone wants this. Just walk away and we will act like none of this ever happened.” I said
“Ok Corwine, but you’ll get what’s coming to you.” Ricky said
I’m a very big, or tall person but when I spoke people usually listened.
A few hours passed and I was about to go to lunch, but on my way to lunch Ricky and his gang confronted me.
“Hey Corwine.” Rick said
“Hey Ricky. What do you want?” I asked
“We need to talk!”
We headed outside the school building
“Corwine you know I don’t like being confronted!” Ricky exclaimed
Ricky took a swing at me, and I started to bleed form the mouth.
“Corwine” he grabbed me by the shirt “are you going to stay outta my way?” Ricky asked
“No!” I replied
He was about to take another swing and I felt God say to me: “don’t retaliate, turn the other cheek.
So I did.
“AHH!” I yelled
I fell to the ground hard.
“Where’s your God now?” they joked
Ricky and his Gang went off laughing.
I had two choices I could let my anger boil and watch Ricky die. No…NO I can’t, I put myself in between the bullet and Ricky. I grunted the bullet piercing through my skin was I pain I have never come to understand.
“NOOO!” exclaimed Jack “why would you do it?”
“Just as my savior I have come so you might know love.” I said
Those are the last words that I would ever say.

The author's comments:
is about a school shooing in my perspective.

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