Stranded Masthead Dragon | Teen Ink

Stranded Masthead Dragon

September 13, 2012
By Uriel Diaz GOLD, Dallas, Texas
Uriel Diaz GOLD, Dallas, Texas
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Boom! Our ship crashed. Being a dragon masthead at the front, a murderous rock hit me like a sword being stabbed in me. The men left to get help.
A snake slithered on the sandy shore and came to me saying "the men with you have all died." It left before I could thank it for the information. The water slapped me as I kept thinking what to do. The boiling, bubbly water still slapping me by midday, I could hear whistling trees, but I was still puzzled about everything.
I spotted a bright bird that was a radiant star. I looked at the trees, the birds, the shore, still not knowing what to do. I even prayed to God, but I was alone. I felt the world slipping away... I was gone.

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