Mattybraps Life | Teen Ink

Mattybraps Life

July 18, 2012
By jj1629 BRONZE, Rocky Ford, Colorado
jj1629 BRONZE, Rocky Ford, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I don't own anything

Chapter 1 How it began

Hi, I'm MattyB and I LOVE to rap! I started rapping when I was 7 years old but I've been dancing ever since I was a little kid. When I grow up I want to be a rapper, dancer and artist and so right now I'm just having fun doing stuff like making remixes to popular songs and uploading cool home made music videos to my YouTube channel! I really hope you like my music because I have a BLAST making it!! 
2 years ago before all this happened

It first started when I was 5 I was into hip hop music I always wanted to dance so one day I begged long and hard my cousin mars I didn't think it will happen not till that one day it was May 31 ,2010 I uploaded my first cover to Justin Biebers hit song Eenie Meenie I got over 500,000 views more then I thought I would now im 7 years old I love rapping

Let me tell you a little about me Im 7 years I live in Atlanta Ga. I was born january 6 2003 I live with my mom (Tawny) dad (blake and my 3 brothes (Blake jr. , John Michael, and josh(Jeebs) and my little sister (Sarah Grace) I go to school at Wesleyan School

You guys wanna know what my life is like well I am here to tell you everyday I listen to songs think about what im going to cover next I always do the most recents cool songs once I pick a song I started writing lyrics to my big cousin mars helps I write half then he writes half
I always dream of becoming the biggest one in rapping and baseball when I grow up I wanna be a rapping baseball player sounds cool huh? I would love to tour one day but my mom says im to small I always try my best to make a cool good song you know making sure it has a postive meaning in it

End of chapter 1 if you like leave me a comment and a review

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