Locked On You | Teen Ink

Locked On You

July 8, 2012
By Anonymous

When he looked her in the eyes for the first time, they both knew they loved each other, but they didn’t say anything. How could you look someone in the eyes that you met ten minutes ago and tell them that you loved them? You couldn’t. They couldn’t.

Later on that day, when they officially met, the first smile was exchanged and they knew again. His eyes were locked on her eyes, her dress, her smile, her hair, her. Wow, he thought. I really want to go talk to her. I want to ask her out.
Her eyes were locked on his eyes, his t-shirt, his smile, his hair, him. She probably met twenty people that day, but he stuck out to her. He was on her mind all that day. He was all she thought about, even after she went home.
They began talking one day, she gave him her number, and he texted her later that evening. Her heart skipped a little bit whenever she received the text from him. His skipped a lot when he sent the message.
In the mid-fall, they began talking. That’s when it all began.

The author's comments:
This is just something that I came up with at midnight when I couldn't sleep. More to come if you guys like it.

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