I'm Myself | Teen Ink

I'm Myself

June 5, 2012
By Anonymous

I know you’re a star now, but I’ll never follow in your footsteps. It seems like once someone becomes famous they forget about what and who helped them to get there, so I’ll never follow in your footsteps. You abandoned each and every one of your very own children for your dream; I’ll never follow in your footsteps. You let a man beat you for years in front of your oldest child; I’ll never follow in your footsteps. Everywhere you go there are shinning lights and drugs inside you, I’ll never follow in your footsteps. You left your whole life behind and hit the road, I’ll never follow in your footsteps. Your on stage thanking your fans but what about your family, I’ll never follow in your footsteps. You always drunk dial my phone, telling me to come to your show, I’ll never follow in your footsteps. You’re so wasted after a show that you always wake up next to a stranger; I’ll never follow in your footsteps. You say that I need to become famous like you, but the way I see it, I’m already famous I’m just not on stage for the world to see, I’ll never follow in your footsteps…

The author's comments:
just listening to a song that inspired me..

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This article has 1 comment.

on Jun. 13 2012 at 9:02 pm
Alyssa.N.S. BRONZE, Toledo, Ohio
4 articles 0 photos 12 comments
Nice ending and repetition!