Beyond The Horizon | Teen Ink

Beyond The Horizon

May 30, 2012
By Juwlezz7 BRONZE, East Norwich, New York
Juwlezz7 BRONZE, East Norwich, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The ticking of the clock pounded against my skull as each second past. Seconds felt like minutes, and minutes felt like hours. The monotone clicking of shoes echoing through the long corridors made me impatient. I was constantly getting headaches but not as sever as the one that I have currently. I placed my hands on the cold blue chair that I was sitting on and attempted to breathe in deeply. Long announcements would mutter on about patients that needed assistance or prayers for those that were no longer with us, those that were, beyond the horizon. Cold water dripped out of the faucet gradually accumulating at the bottom of the sink landing on a small blue post-it. I began to wonder why this was happening to me. I had always been healthy; I never smoked, drank or done anything harmful to my health. I’m only twenty-eight for heavens sake! They said it was not anything I could have avoided, I knew something was wrong from the moment I started getting the migraines. It had been months of agony and pain, the splitting feeling that ran down my forehead occurred at every waking moment. Suddenly the door flew open and after what seemed like an eternity the nurse strolled. She was holding a clipboard and tapping a blue pen against it in a beat that sounded like a song I had heard recently. I stared at her anxiously, waiting to know what I was in for. She snapped her gum then opened her mouth and spoke with an annoyed tone like she had not slept in days. “Are you Gregory Steel?” “Yes, Ma’am” “I need to ask you a few questions about your life. Are you or have you received any over counter medicines lately?” “Just the one Dr. Shellton told me to buy.” “Good, is any part of your diet irregular?” “Not that I am aware of, I eat all of my fruits and veggies.” I tried to crack a smile but that made the pain even worse. She spoke with a softer pitch of voice this time, “How long have you been living in Sea Side?” “About fourteen years now, any particular reason why?” “Just to keep in our records, Dr. Shellton will be in with you soon.” And just like that she walked out, snapping her cinnamon gum once more, the smell of vanilla perfume left with her. I tapped my cold, lanky fingers on the metal cabinet at the far end of the room while I paced around the room. The door creaked open and a raspy voice said “Hello Gregory, I am Dr. Shellton, unfortunately you have….”

The author's comments:
This is a project I was working on in my Creative Writing class at school, it is page 64 of a made-up novel. This leaves you to make up your own ending, using your imagination.

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