The Girl in the Dancing Shoes | Teen Ink

The Girl in the Dancing Shoes

April 26, 2012
By Sanjana Subramanium BRONZE, West Chester, Pennsylvania
Sanjana Subramanium BRONZE, West Chester, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The dancer gracefully performed an intricate dance flawlessly while her peers stared in amazement. Her stature, style, balance, and coordination emanated perfection. She received a standing ovation from her professor. The dancer truly looked beautiful. She also felt trapped in chains.
Her determined peers rolled their eyes, as they always did at her. Each of them scorned her as she sat down. The faithful sun of New York returned to his peaceful slumber as the chilly night began. As Marnie exited the studio through the steps, she suddenly experienced a shove on her frail back. She yelled in excruciating pain as she attempted to find the culprit. Suddenly she heard a sly, snickering voice confirming her latent insecurity that the three years of hers had been a waste. The chains suffocating the girl multiplied.
As she managed to limp to her apartment, she slumped over and closed her eyes, and tried to relieve herself through meditation. She did not find comfort in her uncle who happened to call her in the middle of the night. Her stomach pained. The topic was the girl's mother. As she conversed with the man, she slowly broke down in tears. Her knees shook as she fell down in a fetal position crying from the news her uncle had delivered and from the pains trapped inside her body. At least she would meet her uncle tomorrow.
As she reached the uncle's house, she exhaled, and with her she brought the chains that were burdening her. Approaching her uncle, she received a short letter. As she opened it and started reading, she slowly smiled at the contents and the beauty of the writing altogether. She now realized what these chains were, and smiled, as she slowly shrugged them off her body.

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