It's Raining | Teen Ink

It's Raining

April 29, 2012
By sierraxoxo BRONZE, Framingham, Massachusetts
sierraxoxo BRONZE, Framingham, Massachusetts
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

She loved the rain. Not the kind that hurts when it hits you, and soaks the dirt for days after the storm. The kind that is hardly enough to sprinkle the ground. The kind that mists onto your face, staying for a second before it dissolves again. The kind that barely wets the earth, and then it’s gone.

When she was little, she always used to run outside in her bare feet, and dance until she was dizzy with giggles. Then she would lie on the grass and face the sky, eyes closed, and wait for the clouds to turn off the waterworks. She would return inside reluctantly, because she knew what was approaching. Mommy would yell at her for getting all wet, but always, always, Daddy would come to her rescue. He would use his soothing voice on Mommy, and bring his little girl a dry pair of clothes. As she was changing, the water heater would be turned on; it’s whooshing sound promising hot chocolate in the near future.

Today was one of those days. But not really. It was much different. It was a day that marred her love of the rain. He was leaving her; he was leaving his little girl here with her mommy. She didn’t want to live with Mommy. Daddy had always taken care of her. It was like the roles had been reversed, with him playing the part of a housewife, and her being the workaholic who was never home. Daddy drove her to school, made dinner, helped her with homework, and so much more. He was her best friend, and she couldn’t lose him. Not now, not when she needed him the most. It was the summer before her first year of high school, and without Daddy, it wouldn’t be the same.

She couldn’t even say goodbye. It was too painful. She simply peered out the window streaked with rivers of rain that mirrored her feelings inside. As if he could feel her gazing out at the gray car, Daddy looked back towards her room. He gave a sheepish smile. She stared back, no flicker of emotion crossing her face. He turned away, and a single, fat tear rolled down her cheek, falling onto her leg. The splotch of dark faded into her sweatpants as the car pulled out of the driveway, leaving her with a hole where her heart used to be.

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