79 Pills and Suicide | Teen Ink

79 Pills and Suicide

April 9, 2012
By Pit-Princess BRONZE, Corpus Christi, Texas
Pit-Princess BRONZE, Corpus Christi, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

She cries every night, before she is tucked away for bed.

Her mothers kiss lingers on her forehead. Her daddy says a prayer, and starts to leave the room, when he turns the light out and he shuts the door, the little girl whispers I love you. Down stairs her parents argue, and scream all through the night. Daddy sleeps on the couch, and mommy in their room. They don't realize it, but their little 12 year old girl, took all of the pills from the medicine box, and 4 bottles of water and quietly hid it under her bed while they were asleep, for when they both leave for work tomorrow, she'll decide to skip school, go in to the middle of the woods, and swallow over 79 pills. She lays there in the dirt, her eyes looking towards the sky, wishing to go to Heaven or far away from here. She's sick of this life, she cries out for help. She cries, and she cries, and she cries, only to awake in Hell. The Devil, God, and Jesus look her in the eyes, for even the Devil feels sorry for her, they understand why she committed such a crime, but why she decided to end her life. If she would have pushed through, just a few more years, she would have graduated high school, got a full ride scholarship, went to college, had a great career, grew up and married a wonderful, amazing rich man, her prince in shinning armor, had two beautiful children, and lived an amazing life, if she would have just waited. God had a plan, he didn't want to make her suffer, he wanted what was best, so he created her mother and father and specialized for them to have her, she was going to be a leader. He made her parents fight and argue, to teach her to be strong, to show her, to never treat her husband like this. He was trying to prepare her, he was trying to do his best. God looked to Jesus and said, " It is your decision now whether this little girl will suffer in damnation in Hell, or live a glory life in Heaven." Jesus looked at the girls with pity eyes, and opened his arms, for the little girl ran straight to them, and went to Heaven with Jesus and God.

After weeks of searching, the police finally found her body. Her parents cried, and they cried, and they cried some more. They realized what they had done. They tore their family apart. They lost their one and only child. Now little Alyssa looks down at her parents, she smiles with hope as she watches them pick up the broken pieces of whats left of their marriage, she decides to bless them and send them a little gift. Her mother becomes pregnant, with two little angels, her parents know its a miracle, and that their darling little girl is watching over them.

Now Alyssa lives in Heaven, where she grows up with children like her, she thinks about her family living and wishes she never killed herself, but if she never took those 79 pills, her parents would still be fighting. Things would be so different if she was alive, but she continues on anyway, and watches her family as they live on with their lives, without their twelve year old daughter.

The author's comments:
I wrote this piece on a website where you share stories that you write for others to read. A bunch of people were telling me I should enter this in a contest because my creative writing was good, so I figured, what the heck?

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on Apr. 14 2012 at 11:40 am
LittleOldMe SILVER, Kitty Hawk, North Carolina
9 articles 0 photos 16 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Love is being stupid, together"

Inspiring and beautiful . I absolutely loved it:)