My Place Away | Teen Ink

My Place Away

February 28, 2012
By Ray_J BRONZE, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Ray_J BRONZE, Minneapolis, Minnesota
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was the only place where I could think, the one place that separated me from

the chaos of New York's streets. I tried to go to the roof whenever I wasn't checking in

hotel guests, and whenever Mr. Gardner wasn't hollering at me to get back to work.

I went whenever I had the chance. I read. My mind was transported to wherever the

story carried me, and the sounds of the busy streets below faded further and further

away. I read about adventures abroad and mysteries at home. I traveled into a world

where I could join characters in feats with great contrast to the ones that I accomplished

daily and which were more interesting.

I heard the rooftop door swing open, and Tate appeared. We had both moved

to New York at about roughly the same time and unfortunately were both under Mr.

Gardner's employment. "Hey, the Old Man's been looking for you. I thought I'd better

get to you before he does," Tate said as he motioned me towards the door. I walked

through it and down the stairs, which pulled me back to the real world. I looked outside

a window and saw the endless train of yellow taxis and heard their chorus of honks.

The barks not only came from the dogs that passed on the sidewalk outside but also

from my boss. "Five people have arrived and have been standing in that line for the last

half hour. Now you'd better check them in before I have you check out!" Yup, I thought,

I was definitely back.

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