Snow Day | Teen Ink

Snow Day

November 13, 2011
By bananazig BRONZE, Lansdale, Pennsylvania
bananazig BRONZE, Lansdale, Pennsylvania
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Side-by-side we sauntered down the icy sidewalk, bundled up tighter than two caterpillars in their cocoons, inhaling and exhaling sharply, seeing our very breath materialize in front us and then disappear faster than it had came, and while we had no real destination in mind – we never did – we still knew exactly where we wanted to go, through the bustling streets and barren sidewalks, cups of hot chocolate gripped firmly in our hands, scalding hot, seeping through the fabric of our gloves to our parched, frozen fingers, giggling nothing less than gleefully at our own inane, foolishness, our toes now stinging from the bitter but beautiful cold of winter air, but we continued to trudge up the street, passing window after window of shops lining up and down along the side of the road, stagnant and still, dressed up with tiny rows of icicles, and all the while we embrace a feeling that only comes once a year.

The author's comments:
In only a few words it perfectly describes the times I used to hang out with my friend, Sabina, who moved away to South Carolina just last year. Winter and fall were my favorite times for hanging out with her and writing this just kind of allowed me to relive that feeling I used to get when we would walk around aimlessly all over town in the freezing cold, because I think those were really the best moments we had together.

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