Saving Alexandria | Teen Ink

Saving Alexandria

October 25, 2011
By erikanicole17 SILVER, Cincinnati, Iowa
erikanicole17 SILVER, Cincinnati, Iowa
5 articles 0 photos 1 comment

She didn't know what to do. Where would she go from here? All of these thoughts filled Alexandria's head as she held the pregnancy test in her hand, and the little positive sign on the screen changed everything.

Alex was eighteen years old, and a senior at Oskaloosa High School. She lived with her mom, who was a doctor at the Oskaloosa Hospital. Her dad had also been a doctor, until he died in a horrible car accident a year ago. Alex wanted to be a doctor just like her parents, but this would be nearly impossible to do with a baby on the way.

Alex was popular at her school. She was a varsity football cheerleader, she was good at track, and she was competitive in gymnastics. No one would ever guess that she would end up pregnant in high school. But that's what happened when you made one little mistake.

Alex was sitting in her calculus class, staring off into space. Wondering what she was going to do with this baby inside of her. What she was going to tell her mom. How her mom would react. What she was going to do about college and medical school. Just then, the bell rang, which meant eighth period was over. She had told herself that today after school, she would tell her mom. “Hi Honey,” Alex's mom said as she walked in the door. “How was school?” Alex looked at her mom, but she could not look her in the eyes. “Mom, I'm pregnant.”

7 Months Later

Alex woke up from a horrible dream. It was December of her freshman year in college. It took her a few minutes to realize that her water broke. She jumped out of her bed screaming, “Mom! Mom! My water broke!”

Alex's mom rushed into her daughter's room. They hurried out to the truck and drove 70 miles per hour to the hospital. Alex layed in the delivery room getting ready to give birth to her daughter. Her mom was at her side, telling her that everything was going to be okay, when her doctor told her to push.

Five hours later, and Alex delivered a seven pound nine ounce baby girl. She was beautiful. Alex named her baby Kaitlyn Marie. She knew that with this baby, medical school was going to be a challenge. She continued to go back to college two weeks after she had Kaitlyn, and Kaitlyn was a very healthy baby. So many people were surprised that Alex had been the one to have a baby this young, but Alex knew that everything happened for a reason, and she believed that God gave her Kaitlyn, simply because she needed her.

Alex's friends supported her all the way, and eventually, Alex met a really nice guy in one of her college classes, which was what she needed. His name was Garrison. Even though she had a baby, he didn't seem to care. He took her out a few times and he even loved Kaitlyn. So far, Alex felt like she had it all.

Two Years Later

December 12, 2012 was Kaitlyn's second birthday. Alex and her new fiance, Garrison took her to Disney World for her birthday. Yes, fiance. Alex was 20 years old by this point, and she had grown up a little faster than she intended to. So she didn't finish medical school like she had wished to, but she did go to college for two years and got her RN, and got a full time job as a registered nurse in the Oskaloosa Hospital Emergency Room. Two years ago, this was not the life that Alex had imagined, it was not the life that she had wanted to live, but it was the perfect life for her. So with her daughter and Garrison by her side, she lived her life day by day, and never looked back.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Nov. 14 2011 at 9:09 pm
alexandria1124 BRONZE, Nowhere., Kentucky
1 article 0 photos 28 comments

I loved it. Partly because it incorporated my name, but mostly because it was interesting and well written.(: