The Beach | Teen Ink

The Beach

October 9, 2011
By Angela Powell BRONZE, Wake Forest, North Carolina
Angela Powell BRONZE, Wake Forest, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Splash, splash”, the ocean crashed against the beach, as two little girls, Laura and Joan, talked in their beach cottage.
“Laura,” Joan said, “do you like it when its windy and the sand flies off the ground and whacks you in the legs, when the person next to you gets up and shakes their towel and the sand flies in your face and all over your stuff, or when you get salt water in your eyes or mouth???”
“I don’t think anyone likes that, Joan!! But what people do like is making sandcastles, sunbathing, and swimming at the beach!! Don’t you love the yummy smells from the Boardwalk, like cotton candy, and pretzels??” Laura asked.
“Oooh, yeah, I totally love those smells. Now stop, your making me hungry!!! Hahahaha!! I absolutely adore the peaceful sound of the waves crashing against the beach, dogs barking, children screaming, and birds squawking! Ahhhh, the beach!”
“Another one of my favorite parts of the beach is: (big surprise) the ice cream people!! Their ice cream is so good, I don’t know what it is, its just delicious!!”
“My favorite part of the beach is the sunset and the sunrise. You know, the gorgeous pinks, oranges, yellows, purples, blues… They’re just so pretty.”
“You know, all this beach talk is making me crave the beach. You want to go down there and play??” Laura asked.
“Id love to!!” Joan replied.

The author's comments:
i loveeee the beach, and i just REALLY wanted to do a dialoge, of 2 girls talking about it.....

it was for a creative writing exersice in school...

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