The Fresh Pavement Run | Teen Ink

The Fresh Pavement Run

October 12, 2011
By Anonymous

It’s amazing what little things can satisfy you: like beating the bus home on your bike, like dancing around like a maniac when you’re home alone, like finishing a piece of homework days before its actually due. Sometimes, it’s those little things in life that I live for, that I yearn for. Sometimes, it’s the simplest things that make my life all worth while.


“Look at this road! It’s so smooth!” Mom said from the front of our little black Audi. We, my parents, my brother and I, were on our way to our neighbor’s house (who owned their own photography business), to look at my brothers senior pictures. Knowing him, it would probably take a while for him to choose which pictures he wanted. I prepared myself for a long night.

“There aren’t any more potholes to weave around.” Dad said in reply to my mother’s remark.

I leaned forward in my seat and looked out the window. I could see the dark, smooth new layer of concrete in the fading light. I guess I had noticed a lot of construction signs and trucks. I just hadn’t paid much attention to it; it was just a road after all.

Once we got to their house, they welcomed us at the door. They had their projector all set up in their living room already, the walls were decorated with photos of their other customers, and I could smell the faint smell of cookies. I smiled, hey if there’s cookies involved I’ll stay for a while.

Sure enough cookies were brought out to us as soon as we settled in. As I munched on the cookies, trying not to get crumbs everywhere, I watched the slideshow of photos. All of them were very dramatic and had amazing clarity. I squinted at my brother’s face in them. Had he really gotten that old? He looked like a grown man, an adult almost.

I flashed to a memory of him and I building Legos in his room, him patiently showing me how to fit the blocks together. Then, another memory of him and I waiting our turn for our piano lessons. Next, another of us coming up with a game plan in a match of wrestling with Dad. It was us just being the little kids that we once were. I guess I have changed a little too, but not as noticeably as him. He had a beard, a tattoo, a car. Everything had changed. And as much as it pained me to except, in a year he’d be gone at college.

I finished my cookie.

“Are you sure those are the ones you want?” Mom asked sitting forward in her chair. He nodded, obviously satisfied.

“Alright you and your sister head home, while Mom and I pay.” Dad said.

“You guys go ahead and walk, it’s not too cold.” Mom smiled and ushered us out the door.

At first we walked slowly, until we reached the main road. The road was smooth from the new paving and the moonlight made it sparkle in the dark. There were no cars. I looked over at my brother. He was hunched over fiddling with his shoes.

“What are you doing?” I said into the silence of the night.

“Going for a run!” He laughed and ripped off his shoes. He swung them over his shoulder and he was gone. I screamed for him to wait for me as I pulled off my own shoes. I pumped my legs and ran after him. My bare feet slapped against the pavement. I was no match for him and his strong legs, but I managed to bring him back into sight. A nearby house light shone on his face and I smiled when I saw that he was doing the same.

Surprisingly, I didn’t slow down as we ran. I didn’t feel tired or out of breath. I felt like I was almost flying, with nothing but the smooth concrete beneath my feet holding me down. I spread my arms out wide, a shoe in each hand.

I was wrong. Yes, my brother and I had grown up, that was part of life, but I was wrong to worry that things had changed between us. Sure we didn’t play with toys or wrestle anymore, but that didn’t mean that we had nothing at all. We just had to find different ways to connect. I had just unlocked one of those ways.
I could run like this forever.


In the end, no matter how small things may seem, they are, more often than not, what fulfill you the most. It’s just your choice whether or not to turn it into something remember able. That’s what’s best about life; you never know where a burst of happiness will come from. For me, it came from nothing but a slab of fresh pavement.

The author's comments:
This really happened to me, and yes I really did get excited over a piece of pavement.

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This article has 7 comments.

on Oct. 16 2011 at 9:56 pm
Anonymous_7 SILVER, Branson, Missouri
6 articles 0 photos 118 comments

Favorite Quote:
-The only time you can get away with murder is when writing a book!

This was so good! You did an awesome job. It was very discriptive and I love how this is all centered around fresh pavement! Keep writing!

on Oct. 16 2011 at 5:27 pm
sevandlilly BRONZE, Arlington, Virginia
4 articles 2 photos 15 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The greatest pleasure in life is doing what other people say you cannot do" -Walter Bagenot

Totally relatable! I'm one of those people that gets happy if a good song comes on the radio, or if my little sister spontaniously bakes brownies. :). Anyway, this sounded really fun and I love you writing style!

on Oct. 14 2011 at 9:55 pm
sweet story :) keep writing!!

on Oct. 14 2011 at 6:30 pm
SunkistKisser BRONZE, Tempe, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 32 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Not one would mind, neither bird not tree
If mankind perished utterly
And Spring herself, when she woke at down,
Would hardly know that we were gone." ~Sara Teasdale
(Yea, I know, it's kind of deep, but I kind of dig it.))

Great job! It has a beautiful mix between simplicity and something deeper. Keep writing!

starrfishy said...
on Oct. 14 2011 at 4:03 pm
starrfishy, Omaha, Nebraska
0 articles 0 photos 20 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I am thankful for laughter, except when milk comes out of my nose" -Joci Mulherin ( fabulous and adorable little sister.)

I really liked it! It showed some really good emotion and it was a very smooth read. Good job!

on Oct. 14 2011 at 2:54 pm
Smile-And-Wave-Boys. SILVER, Rotherhithe, Other
8 articles 1 photo 38 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Everyone wants to ride with you in the limo, but what you want is someone who will take the bus with you when the limo breaks down."
— Oprah Winfrey

Wow! I loved it, it's filled with emotion I can totally relate to :D Keep writing!

on Oct. 14 2011 at 8:55 am
CreativeWriter86 PLATINUM, None, Louisiana
31 articles 1 photo 6 comments

Favorite Quote:
One day I will be who I wanna be, no one will tell ME what to do, it will be MY life that I will live for myself.

I loved your story! :)