Your Love | Teen Ink

Your Love

June 2, 2011
By poetaytoe BRONZE, San Diego, California
poetaytoe BRONZE, San Diego, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I can remember. Oh, yes I can remember. Soft hands caressing my petite, vulnerable face while the young beard on your chin scratched my neck. I would giggle as we sat in the park with my teenage mind only allowing me to believe this was forever. I kept trust in my heart as I sat, and you laid next to me. The smell of the freshly cut grass imbedded into my nostrils as the nearby swings squeaked. I felt your love here until you took me out on an adventure; as you called it. You said it would be an experience I would never forget. It was two in the morning when you took my hand and escorted me through an alley. The cold snappish air crunched at my skin while we walked in an uncolorful stillness. I looked at the stars awhile and thought this was a romantic rendezvous under a blanket of stars. My love lust mind didn’t know better. I trusted you when you said this was a shortcut to the park. I cleaved to every sweet word you said as we made our way to the darkest corner. I remember you stopping me and forcing kisses from me. At first I was overwhelmed and felt excited, but I soon felt the venom of your strong out of control want. The poison contorted my body in painful positions, as I was tried to free myself. When my body exploded through an earsplitting scream, I felt your eager hand cover my mouth and push me into the crusty brick wall. I felt a warm wetness on the back of my neck before you started tearing into my oversized bedtime shirt. Your eyes filled with a hunger to get to what was under my white, plain bra. As I felt myself exposed, goose bumps bred amongst my flesh, slowly crawling their way up to my premature breasts. My tongue could taste the forbidden metallic liquid pouring out of my mouth after you struck my face with consistent burly punches. Tears fell to their death as you glided your hand down my pants and tore into my once undisturbed underwear before taking those from me too. I tried to scream yet again as you threw me to the ground, but instead of placing your hand to my mouth you enclose it around my vein pulsing neck. I tried helplessly grabbing for air before my lungs started to burn within my bruised ribs. I tried to harm you as you undressed yourself, but my body shut down with numbing shock. I felt you push inside at the same time you drove the knife through my skeletal ribs. Blood streamed everywhere while my airway inflamed with desperation for any hope of a single breath. You made unattractive noises as I turned my head toward the small town’s neon 24 hour open signs. I could hear their distant annoying buzz while they slowly blurred into small bubbles of light. As I took my last pathetic breath, I thought of only your love.

The author's comments:
i was inspired by a story i heard onthe news about girl raped and killed by her boyfriend.

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