Unexpected Surprise | Teen Ink

Unexpected Surprise

May 31, 2011
By samareh BRONZE, San Diego, California
samareh BRONZE, San Diego, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Stop! Stop! Stop! What in gods name do you two think you are doing? Antonio Christian I want an answer right now!” said Antonio’s mother in a displeased voice. The couple froze in horror as she got closer to them. Having their backs to her Antonio slowly turned around afraid to make any sudden movements. Tears began welding in Amelia’s eyes and she couldn’t help but to turn red from embarrassment. All she wanted to do was turn around and run away, but she knew she couldn’t because she loved him to much.

As Antonio came face to face with is mother he knew that she was not about to hold back any of her feelings. The bomb had just been set off and it was about to destroy him and Amelia.
“Mom, I can explain just please lets not make a scene here. Let’s go outside.”
“I cannot believe you two! After all that I have done for you Antonio! I just can not understand why you would do such a thing behind your families back.”
“Mother, outside!”
He grabbed Amelia’s hand and squeezed it assuring her that everything would be ok. But she knew better. As his mother lead them outside, the area around them began becoming motionless. One clerk sitting behind his desk peeked out and caught Antonio’s attention and mouthed,
“Good luck.”
Luck was exactly what they needed right about now. Antonio was looking ahead, but he peered out of the corner of his eye and saw Amelia frantic and distraught. He knew what had just happened was his fault. The closer they got to the door, the slower the couples steps seemed to be. It’s as if they knew that their doom had been awaiting them. The mother heaved the door open in a dramatic way that people turned around to see what was happening. It seemed like a spot light was put on them and sixteen pairs of eyes pierced their hearts as they walked through the door.

Walking outside the couple felt a blast of air that seemed to awake them from the nightmare that they were in. Both flustered at this point and still stunned from what had just happened, both continued walking down the steep steps that led them straight to what seemed like a quite empty park. The mother catapulted herself to a green besmirched park bench that looked just as bitter and old as her. Antonio lowered himself reluctantly into the bench seat next to his mother, and Amelia sat next to Lorenzo clutching his hand as she waited for what was about to happen.
“Why? Why would you ever think that it would be okay for you to go into that building without the approval of your family,” the mother forsaken bursts into tears. The couple looks at each other as if they both knew the shame they had caused.
“Mom, I am so sorry. Amelia and I both have thought about this very carefully. We are all adults Mom, and we should be able to make decisions on our own. You should be supporting us, not trying to tear us apart.” Taking a deep breathe in and exhaling loudly, he looked up to the sky unable to hold back his tears any longer. Slowly letting go of Amelia’s hand, he placed his hand on his heart. Amelia looked over at him and watched him for a couple seconds as the tears rolled down his face in a perfect line. His family did not approve of her and did not appreciate the fact that he continued to stay with her despite the problems it was causing. She stood up not being able to take the pain any longer and took off her engagement ring and placed it in his hands. Without a word she began walking out of the park. Antonio’s eyes were fixated on her as she took long strides towards the street. Unable to grasp what had just happened Antonio looked at his mother and said,
“If you can’t accept her as my wife then I do not want to be apart of this family anymore. You just lost your son and your unborn grandchild.” He got up and ran after Amelia leaving his mother in the cold pondering the words that just came out of his mouth.

Grabbing Amelia’s arm he turned her around and they both looked at each other. He placed the ring back on her finger and gave her a hug as he whispered in her ear,
“I love you, and no one is going to get in the way of us becoming a family. Let’s go into that building and begin the rest of our lives together.”

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