George's Life | Teen Ink

George's Life

May 24, 2011
By Jezuz BRONZE, Alameda, California
Jezuz BRONZE, Alameda, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

George was sleeping when he had a dream about what he wanted to achieve when he grows up and what job he wants. He is 38 and George is going to go to an engineering interview, He likes building things and it’s a good paying job but he doesn’t really care about the money he just wants to like his job, that way it is not just for the money. Hopefully after he gets the engineering job he will go to his paleontologist job to look for a very rare dinosaur that has been missing for 8 billion years and the team thinks that it was pregnant with a baby because they also found a second skeleton which was either still in the womb or was right next to the bigger skeleton. When he is done with doing both jobs or retired from them he wants to be a crime scene investigator but not one of those that only stay in the lab but the one that is active on duty that goes to the actual crime scene and tries to figure out who did the crime, how it happened, and what damage was caused.
George wants to have a beautiful wife with 2 kids and 2 dogs one will be a German Sheppard and the other one will be an English bull terrier they will both be puppies but they will be properly trained (like potty trained). He wants his kids to have a good life with as little problems as possible. He wants them to have a good education and he wants them to get through school and to get into get into as little trouble as possible. Even though when George was a kid he did not do to well in school himself but near the end of the 7th grade school year he started to do better or at least he thought he was doing better he was getting everywhere on time because he had a habit of being late everywhere and he used to weigh 188.7 but he lost 16 pounds he weighed 172.2 which he was really happy about. And George intended to tell that story to his kids so that they know that a person can change in time.

The author's comments:
This story is how I want to end up when I grow up.

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