My Last Walk | Teen Ink

My Last Walk

May 13, 2011
By Anonymous

It felt weird walking down the hallway for the last time. It was just like, it had been such a normal thing for me to do this that I could do it with my eyes closed. But I knew that I was really going to miss it, though it seemed unbearable at the time.
See; I had gone to this school my entire life and to cut it short, I’m not graduating and I’m having to switch schools. I knew AHA wasn’t going to be the high school for me, but we soon realized that it should be my middle school. I wanted to switch ages ago but that didn’t work out. As I grew older and matured with my relationships and learned to be more careful with other people’s feelings, it finally occurred to me that I couldn’t just leap from 6th grade at one school to 7th grade at another. This all because of the social change (if you don’t know what I’m talking about then I’m sorry its way too much to explain.).
So now, at 6 pm wearing black pants and a black AHA Band provided polo, I’m here to play my last concert for what is expected to be the last group of graduate’s t this fail of a school. It sort of makes me sad to think about how I’m leaving the place that I spent 1/3 of my life at. But you know; it’s a chance to start something new. I could always go for that…

The author's comments:
My last walk through the halls of my once beloved school.

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