Seeking Solace | Teen Ink

Seeking Solace

May 21, 2011
By silverfin BRONZE, Stafford, Texas
silverfin BRONZE, Stafford, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I never went to anyone for help. I never burdened anyone with my problems. I'm a self healer, or so I thought. I guess I paid the price for that. I'm what you call "emo." I cut myself, do drugs, and I've done many things I'm not proud of. However, I've never asked for help.
I was about to do it. I was about to end my life. I was finally going to rid the world of my worthless existence. I had the gun to my head and everything. I just couldn't bring myself to pull the trigger. Then you happened to come by. I sighed, got up, and walked to the door. My gun still in my hand.
I guess I was still crying a bit when I opened my door. You gasped covered your mouth, and I saw more shock, fear, and sadness on your face then I could stand. I fell to my knees, and I let myself cry. I just plain bawled; I couldn't stop. I could only manage two words as I looked back up at you with pleading eyes, "Help me."

The author's comments:
This is one of my pieces from another art site. I am interested in getting published, and would like to start writing again.
I can't really say what compelled me to write this. I was going through tough time when I wrote this; however, I wasn't suicidal. This is just what I connected with at the time.

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