The Story of a Fairy-Tale | Teen Ink

The Story of a Fairy-Tale

May 3, 2011
By KevinB.C. BRONZE, Rialto, California
KevinB.C. BRONZE, Rialto, California
3 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"It is better to dare mighty things, to win great triumphs, even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much because they live in that gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat." -Theodore Roosevelt

Introduction - The Librarian
Ah, child! It seems that you have taken interest in the little story of mine, eh? You see, many of the little children around here enjoy my stories; the fantasies that reign, the heroes that cheer, the creatures that screech!, bark!, and buzz here! All the sorts!
Come, come – join the circle!
That’s a good darling, yes – now children.
Would you like to hear another of my splendid stories?
Very well then, children, let me enchant your minds

with this exceptional yarn.
Now, once upon a time, in the days of yesteryear, there

stood a great, grand library much like this one called the

Athenaeum, where the sun shone
through the glittering

windows, upon the myriad of knowledge embedded with the

books. Now, on the greater shelves, there stood many of the classic stories of old – Tom Sawyer was there, along with his good friend Huckleberry Finn, and Peter Pan, and darling Dorothy of the Wizard of Oz, and who could forget the story of queer modest Alice in Wonderland?
These were considered among the greatest of the fantasies that ever existed to captivate the imaginations of humanity, and oh, how the children did delight in them!
But, children, there was one particular little book, one that lay in the lower, dusty companionship of the lackluster books; this particular book’s name was Fairy-Tale. He despised the great novels for their popularity and lamented his own failure of being adored by hundreds. And now children, listen to Fairy-Tale’s words, for this is the story of the life of Fairy-Tale.

Hello, you there! Over here, please!

Come, come, and hear my treatise,

My, my, what an unfortunate state,

is mine own condition, laid here to wait and wait.
Gathering up dust, blowing away bunnies,

Please do not laugh, it isn’t funny.
I’ve not enjoyed it here, no, not one bit,

having to spend eternity with Ivanhoe and The Idiot,
So now, I ask, oh won’t you please,

take me away, child, take me away from this disease!
Do you see, children, do you see what an unfortunate book Fairy-Tale is? Oh, I almost shed a tear just thinking about how lonely and unloved he feels! But don’t fret, children, no, not just yet, for, you see, Fairy-Tale’s in for a day he will never forget.
As Fairy-Tale lay lamenting his miserable state, one of the great novels from above, Tom Sawyer, noticed the cries of Fairy-Tale and thought deeply of his situation:
“Aw, now that’s a dern shame. Looks like litt’l Fairy-Tale just wants to be read, just like I am! Well, I reckon I’d better talk to ‘im.”
Tom Sawyer wanted to help Fairy-Tale with his problem, so he called over to Fairy-Tale, in a rather loud, booming voice.
“Hey, Fairy-Tale! Yoo-hoo! Over here!” Tom Sawyer exclaimed.
On the other side of the shelf, Peter Pan’s ever-strong curiosity overheard the calling of Sawyer, and he saw that Tom was calling down to Fairy-Tale.
“Hey, Alice, Dorothy! Look. Why is it that Tom is shouting at Fairy-Tale?” he asked of his two neighbors.
“I don’t know, Peter” Alice told him, “I can’t quite tell from this distance what the matter is with both of them.”
“Peter, don’t you two think we should go on over to Tom Sawyer and ask him?” inquired Dorothy.
“Yes, I believe we should. Come on, then, take my hand, both of you.”
Alice and Dorothy took hold of Peter’s extended hands and, with a little poof of dust and air, Peter flew on towards Tom Sawyer.
Once landing on the shelf, Peter, Alice and Dorothy walked over to Tom and asked of him: “Tom, hold on. Whatever are you doing? What is it that you’re shouting over to Fairy-Tale for?”
Tom replied, “Oh, hey guys, pardon me, but do ya guys see tha’ little fella over der?”
“Why yes,” Alice remarked.
“Well, you see, Fairy-Tale’s looks kinda miserables, and I reckoned I would talk to ‘im about wha’ was wrong wit’ ‘im.”
“What do you think we should do, Tom?” asked Dorothy.
“Well, I don’t think Fairy-Tale can hear me from all da way up heres. Help me out, fellas! Shout at ‘im!”
At his request, Alice, Peter, and Dorothy joined in Tom’s yells and called out to Fairy-Tale in a vociferous cacophony: “Fairy-Tale! Fairy-Tale! Up here!”
In the fit of all his crying, Fairy-Tale’s ears caught the sound of their voices, and Fairy-Tale looked up to see who it was that was calling him.
Now, well, what is this cry,

that appears to call to me, way up from the sky?
It is like that of three roosters, upon the barn roof at two,

croaking with all their might, “Cuckoo, Cuckoo!”
Why, can it be, it is my witness!

It’s Tom and Peter, Dorothy and Alice.
The four books dropped down to Fairy-Tale’s shelf and greeted him, much to the bewilderment of Fairy-Tale.
What brings you here, the four of you,

to such a place, where there’s naught to do?
I don’t see why you would come;

this shelf is so boring, and there’s naught to be done.
So please, leave me alone, to lament in peace,

I would not want to burden your hearts with my grief.
“Now, there, there Fairy-Tale,” Dorothy said as she walked over to comfort him, “we’re just here to help you and ask you what it is that’s bothering you.”
“Yea,” said Tom, “like I was jus’ tellin’ these guys, I saw that you was crying and we wanted to see if we could help.”
Oh really? My, my! What friends I have here!

They think to come aid me instead of disappear.
Come on! Really? You’ve got to be kidding,

You great novels would hear my own bidding?
Ha, what a card! Now, you must be going,

I will not stand being subject to toying.
“Now really, Fairy-Tale!” Alice remarked, taken aback by Fairy-Tale’s attitude, “we’re just want to help.”
Well, alright then, if you insist,

I’ll tell you what it is that keeps me amiss.
I loathe how it is that a Jabberwocky is slain,

and all the children are thoroughly entertained!
I despise how it is that a boy can run away,

and all the children don’t have anything to say!
I dislike how it is that a girl fights a witch,

and all the children are fascinated by it!
I detest how it is that some kids fly to Never Land,

and all the children wish to abandon their mom and dad!
I find it unfair, let this be made known,

that you books are read day by day, at a marvelous tone,
So what is it that I seek, before I am dead?

I want to be loved: I WANT TO BE READ!
“Gee, Fairy-Tale,” exclaimed Peter, “I didn’t realize you were feeling such pain and misery.”
“I’d reckon I’d go insane too if I were left to rot ‘n th’ dust, alone and forgotten,” Tom said.
Suddenly, as though it seemed lightning, a thought struck Peter’s head. Tink’s a fairy, and Fairy-Tale’s also a fairy, in a way. But Tink’s so much happier than Fairy-Tale. And why is that? Well, Peter, what is it that Tink has that Fairy-Tale doesn’t? Why, fairy dust, of course!
“Fairy-Tale! Hold on, I’ll be right back!” Peter flew away back above.
“I wonder what’s gotten into Peter,” Dorothy said.
In response to Dorothy’s question, Fairy-Tale said:
He’s probably realized there’s no hope for me,

he might as well just flown up to leave.
Well, ladies and gentlemen, there’s your cue,

no one wants to help me feel some love too.
So go on, you three, just get up and leave,

you’ll be sorry by staying with me.
At that point, Peter returned with a small brown bag leaking with what appeared to be golden dust.
Now, my word, what is it you have there?

I’ve never seen such a thing, it looks absurd!
“Now Fairy-Tale, let me pour some fairy dust on you; you’ll be able to fly and think happy thoughts; don’t you want to be read just like us?” Peter asked.
Alice, Tom and Dorothy joined into the pleading: “Yes, Fairy-Tale don’t you want to be up there with us, adored by children of all ages?
Well, maybe, I’m not quite sure,

am I to believe you’re not just kicking me out the door?
“Trust me, Fairy-Tale,” stated Peter, “we honestly want to bring you into the hearts and hands of children.”
“That’s righ’, Fairy Tale,” Tom added. “We want you to join us as friends.”
“Well said,” Alice remarked.
Really? This is fantastic! You truly are friends,

to help me in my time of need, to be loved and to be read.
Well then, go ahead Peter! Dust me great,

I wish to join you guys before it is too late.
With this request, Peter gladly poured golden dust over Fairy-Tale, and showered him in a dazzling cascade of gold and light. Peter then moved to pour fairy dust on Alice, Tom, and Dorothy, allowing them to fly just as well as Peter could.
At this sight of new-found friendship and amity, Fairy-Tale cried with tears of happiness.
Oh frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!

I will never forget the kindness of this day.
Thank you friends for ending my pain,

the happiness I feel is a thing I thought I’d never gain.
Give me your hands, if we be friends,

and Robin shall restore amends!
With this sentiment, the five new companions flew up to the greater shelves and lived happily ever after.

Conclusion – The Librarian
Good children! Run along now! But most importantly, to you, dear child, dear reader, did you delight in the happiness of little Fairy-Tale? Why, of course you did, child! Who wouldn’t?
Oh, what is it, child? Whatever happened to Fairy-Tale, you say? Well, he was finally adored by thousands of children, day by day. Everyone anticipated reading him. But what, child? You want me to read you another story?
Well, let me just grab this one off of the shelf. I hear that this one is a fascinating Fairy-Tale…

The author's comments:
I just love being creative with my writing. This little story is just my attempt at writing a little fun story, just for the fun of it. Hope you enjoy.

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