midnight in a perfect world | Teen Ink

midnight in a perfect world

January 21, 2011
By Samya n BRONZE, Las Vegas, Nevada
Samya n BRONZE, Las Vegas, Nevada
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

There was a time in my life, when I didn’t have anyone. The only person I did have was my cat. I never really knew how to get into the crowd in the center of the world But, I always thought maybe it wasn’t for me. Maybe I just wasn’t meant to be. Fact remains I’m alone, have a cat, but still alone.

Well, maybe when I move back to my hometown which Is London I’ll fit where I want. Yeah, I know but yes I’m from London my accent isn’t very much London like, because I lived in America for 10yrs. I’m moving back because there’s nothing here for me, not much in London either but at least I won’t feel like an outcast. All of my family lives there. Sadly I won’t be able to move leave America until next year. I know it’s a while from now but I need to get the correct expenses before I talk about going anywhere.
I’m a really good writer. I’m a journalist, I’m going to transfer to the company in London. Here in America I live in San Francisco. It’s a great city, but the people here seem to have too much going on with themselves. I don’t feel that way. Not saying that everyone in London is sad, or doesn’t have anything going on with their lives, it’s just that here in San Francisco they are all uppity. At least that’s what it seems like.

I’m not trying to put Americans down but, I just feel like a complete outcast, I know it’s my fault but I can’t help it. Later I have to go to work, but I m pretty sure that you want to hear more about my life story.

I was living with my parents at the time, I was just about to turn twenty years old. The coming up week I wanted to stay home a little while longer before I got out on my own. But, my parents wanted me out right when I was old enough to be on my own certain things happened to where they let me stay a little longer. Well, my mom always wanted me to leave because she said that I was a trouble maker in life. My dad convinced her to let me stay a few more years.
My mom she was always that scary type of person she always wanted me to stay up under her when I was younger, now that I’m older she wants me gone because she can’t control me any longer. So, she would come into my room when I was around eighteen years old. She would tell me that I don’t have to get a job and not to worry about anything. Now that I’m older she tells me that I have to get out of her house I mean, her and my father don’t need much privacy because they say or do anything around me anyway. So, I went to look for a job and I found this newspaper job, they were in need of help or volunteering. I applied for the job and they told me that I had to pick a place to stand to sell the papers, but it had to be close to the job.

There was a library by the job that I decided to stand by. No one really bought any of the newspapers so I began to read them myself. The stories about killers and such were very interesting to me. When I finally got home I wanted to pretend to be a writer for the newspaper, so I started writing random short stories for the newspaper I guess that’s why I became a journalist. Not much of a news reporter but it’s the closest thing to it, I mean I still write news. But that’s my short story of my life, I don’t want to tell you everything because you probably would put down this story and say that I’m weird. But I don’t have any friends partially because the way that I am. I am a very weird person. I can admit that. But, when I move back to London I’m going to find friends, I don’t think I could survive here in America their too busy for me. I’m a lonesome and I think that’s what I’ll stay.

The author's comments:
"I'm going to find friends in London that i can't find in America."

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This article has 1 comment.

Tony T said...
on Jan. 30 2011 at 10:40 pm
I think this article means alot. And I love it...