Sneak Peek of "Angels See All" | Teen Ink

Sneak Peek of "Angels See All"

November 25, 2010
By Sheryl BRONZE, Glasgow, Montana
Sheryl BRONZE, Glasgow, Montana
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring." ♥
— Marilyn Monroe

My thoughts right now are worrying about who is watching me, I am sitting in my bedroom with a light on. You want to know about me? All you need to know is that I am Twenty-two. Female. Blue eyes. Blonde Hair. Slender. Tall. Single. My name? Ha! Like I could let you know. We are on a need to know basis and unless you are arresting me, wouldn't be the first time, then you don't need to know. I guess since you asked I will give you a little insight on my background. Well, here I go.
Many people have told me that even when you are alone people are still watching or listening to you. It scares me for two reasons. One: If I am alone then who is there to watch me? The other reason is. . . I don't believe in god. I mean there isn't any proof that he exists.. I know that it is hard for you to believe me since I go to church and everything but I really don't. Something else you should know about me is that when I was a kid I got bullied allot. I was overweight and I had a big forehead. It's not my fault! My childhood was horrible. I was abused at home, since my mother died when I was eight I grew up with my Father who was an alcoholic. So when he wasn't abusing the bottle he was abusing me. He wasn't attractive-my father. So I was his only kid, my mother his only date, he wasn't emotionaly abusive either. It was all physical. Sex. People never knew what happened to me until the day that my diary leaked threw the school. I was treated like a baby after that, they took me out of my house and they where all nice to them. It was crazy. The year I gratuated I grabbed my 12 Gage and shot my old man. My first time going to jail. I hope that I have told you enough, not back to the story.
I am sitting on my bed in pure darkness. I can hear sounds throughout my room it sounds like whispers. 'Why would I hear whispers? I live alone!' I thought in my head as I looked around. The sounds came to a halt and I turned on my tv. I started watching the news and smiled a little as I read the big blue banner. This is what it read "Troops are comming home!" My brother, Chistopher, was in the army and I missed him so much. I turned off the tv and closed my eyes. Just then I woke up and looked around. The news was nothig but a dream, you know whats even stranger? I have a guy layying next to me "Avril, babe, are you okay?" That was the last thing I heard or seen before it all went dark.

The author's comments:
Tell me if you like this and I will go on if you think I should. . . I am trying to write about things that apply to me-I think that my stories will be better that way! None of that happened to me so bare with me :)

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