Black and White | Teen Ink

Black and White

June 28, 2010
By Twenty-one1 SILVER, Bowling Green, Kentucky
Twenty-one1 SILVER, Bowling Green, Kentucky
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
This is my very own quote.
"I'll never change who I was, for who I know I have to be"

I've run out of the right words to whisper into your ear, while you're sleeping. Because the things that I say, don't make your heart melt the way they used to. I'm lying alone, covered up in my sorrows, confused, because I just cannot understand, and I just cannot figure out what to say to you.
My life is black and white, and my world is not the same. I flash back to the pain at the mention of your name; trying to forget the reason why I loved you like I did. I know now we don't understand the reason we feel the things for impossible people our love will never be enough for. And maybe we never will. that seems to be the way it goes sometimes.
They say life goes on, but days just pass. No one seems to look at it that way.
Life doesn't go on. Life lives and breathes a type of air all you can do is suffocate in; and I can't breathe.
Days are numbered, and tomorrows are unlived. Life becomes a dream made real, while you're sleeping..that never ends; because life doesn't go on.
Life lives for the ones who aren't broken. Life goes on then. When you're not broken.
because when you're broken, life going on doesn't matter. All you can ever wonder is will the pain ever end. Will it ever be okay to live in a day where today can mean more than it meant the day before?
Will that day ever come?
Will that day ever exist?
And when life does decide to let itself go on, will all the pain be gone?
When falliing in love and feeling pain is hidden in the dark pitts of the world of our own. Will it end. When will it end?

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This article has 1 comment.

on Aug. 30 2010 at 9:25 pm
NeverCaredForKool-Aid GOLD, Elkridge, Maryland
13 articles 0 photos 531 comments

Favorite Quote:
I don't believe in hell but I believe in my parent's couch-- Watsky

I liked that this had moslt shorter sentences.  It made evrything sound very definite and set-in-stone.  I also enjoyed the story in it's simplicity very much.  The way you talked about how time passes for a broken hearted one was very strong.

You spelled "falliing" wrong in your last sentence.

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