Show Day | Teen Ink

Show Day

May 12, 2010
By Anonymous

My brother and I showed a jersey heifer when we were about ten at the Cannon fair. It was a rough experience because we had the only jersey in the show but we got a blue ribbon because of that. Showing cattle doesn’t really work for dairy farmers and it takes a lot of time and hard work to train a Shorthorn or Angus much less diary cattle meant for milk production not showing. Preparation is the key to success in having an achievable goal with your cattle, there are many aspects needed in success and the final show day is very intense.
Training is the biggest aspect to have a knowledgeable show animal. It takes much time but is needed of most high. Cattle should be walked at least a few days a week, I would say for positive success in its ability to be walked around. Most continuous show people have many cattle to train and show at the same time. Steer usually try to have the most force over you because they can get really big so you need to show whose boss. Training your cattle is greatly needed but there is a lot of tools need as well.
First of all you need something to show. Either a; bull, steer, cow, heifer, or a baby calf. A halter is the lead rope that you use to control head potion and placement of the bovine. Many brushes are needed to keep them looking fantastic and clean. You need top quality hay and feed for the right amount of muscle on the cattle. These sure do help with the show day being successful.
The show day comes very quickly in time of preparation with the cattle. Getting all the movement and appearances fine tuned for the entrance into the show arena. All the work this year put into the show to move on to the state fair. Cooperation is the key to success in the competition of show cattle. Getting settled into the routine of the show may prove 1st place.
My brother and I didn’t do as well as we would have wanted to but we got a blue ribbon for being the only jersey in the arena. With preparation, having the right tools and cooperation on show day can have an awesome ending. It sure is hard work but making life long friends at the fairs is defiantly worth it.

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