One Gentle Loon | Teen Ink

One Gentle Loon

April 1, 2010
By Anonymous

It is the only one who sees me. I am the only one who hears it. One Gentle Loon with soft, spotted feathers and a peaceful call. One who is always there if I listen closely. One beautiful loon there to calm me. From the cabin I can hear it, but my brother isn’t aware of it.

Its importance is secret. It sends a chorus of songs for me to hear. It flies up and swims down and grabs the fish between its sharp claws and smiles at the sky and never quits its song. This is how it soothes.

Let one forget his reason for being, it soothes all day like the ocean, with its waves crashing into rocks. Soothe, soothe, soothe, the loon says when I sleep. They mentor.

When I am too worried and too angry to keep soothing, when I am a tiny spirit against so many dissapointments, then it is I look at the loon. When there is nothing left to look at in this busy world. One who sang despite troubles. One who sang and did not forget to soothe. One who’s only reason is to calm me.

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