journey to perfection | Teen Ink

journey to perfection

March 18, 2010
By Anonymous

During my life, I have had the tendency to be shy and nervous when speaking in front of the class. As I stand and see teens staring at me, my stomach fills with butterflies! When asked to give a speech at graduation, I heard the call. If I accepted this challenge my adventure would begin.

The Threshold was the essay I had written, I was going to write with perfection, and tell about my memories from middle school. I withheld my essay until I knew my teacher would be pleased with the finished work. If my teacher loved my speech, I would be more comfortable at the podium. I would also receive gratitude and be praised. My Threshold guardians were my parents and my English teacher. They prepared me for graduation day, and with their support I was the best I could be. My English teacher polished the essay, while my parents calmed my nerves and told me I would do great. The mentors helped me believe I could do well and be confident.

Although I was beset on the road to success, I had to work on the future quandary. On the arrival of graduation, I became sick with anxiety and wanted to surrender to the Abyss. If I was going to persevere, I had to be brave and fight the convoluted path. I thought about ways to be courageous, but my stomach was already tied in knots. The Abyss of my journey was when I walked on stage to practice and saw the eyes watching me. I made the tone of my presentation funny; I believed comedy would help the stress I bore. All I had to do was relax and have fun; however the thought of the listeners only made me as sick as a dog. When I reached the greatest challenge, I gave in and faced the platform and microphone alone.

Once I conquered my fear, I had a rebirth of speaking skills. I gave the speech, and after I was not afraid to accept my diploma. I was baffled about the fact I had actually spoke in front of a crowd. I was proud of myself for going out of my comfort zone. The Revelation was when I changed from timid to outgoing in the small amount of time. Speaking in front of strangers was not as bad as I thought! My mind was finally free of stress, and I suddenly had an adrenaline rush. The abrupt change made me a different person and fearless.
After I had transformed, my cycle was almost complete. My Atonement was; I had higher esteem and belief in speaking skills. I was “reborn” into a high-quality presenter. My imbalance of shyness hopefully has changed until the next journey. At graduation my speech was perfect, and I made my family and teachers both proud and content. They felt I had achieved a new sense of being. Even though I had obstacles, I am glad I agreed to the expedition and fulfilled my goal.
In everyday life, I now realize I obtained a gift. I learned a new tactic of skill. The gift may help me along the road of goals and dreams. The hero journey cycle made me believe in myself and not dread public speaking as greatly.

The author's comments:
this is a realistic fiction story about kids overcoming their fears!

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