It's Not Worth It | Teen Ink

It's Not Worth It

March 15, 2010
By iowanyurts BRONZE, Cedar Hills, Utah
iowanyurts BRONZE, Cedar Hills, Utah
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The soggy heat presses down on me as I trudge through the waters of humidity. I can see the goal as my will becomes as limp as a wet noodle. I pause under the shade of a tree. The piercing sun is always burning my retinas. A swift glance up provides me with the information that it is still out to get me. I can see the infernal rays through the weak excuse of protection the leaves administer. I shoot my hand out, like the speedy ninja I am, with the intent of grabbing the light and throwing it to the ground, leaving it defenseless under my merciless power. As my hand grabs nothing but sticks, disappointment overwhelms my being. Falling to the cement as a dead body to the ground of a battlefield, I look to the sky from my back. I hear the shriek from a bird that most mistake for music. I see my hand still clutching the sticks. As a take a closer look, my heart bubbles with delight. Dropping all but one, I do a jig as well as anyone whilst lying on the sidewalk. A tear forms. Entertainment at last. Caressing the stick, I hum a throaty song of joy. The happiness fully expressed, I begin the chant. I hold it up, “A tree!” I start from the bottom, ripping off all the baby leaves, holding them between my fingers, “A bush!” I present the naked twig to the sun, “Spaghetti!” With whole ecstasy, I chuck the baby leaves into the air, “CONFETTI!” I watch the baby leaves drift down. One lands in my mouth. I choke. I roll to my side and cough the obstruction from my airway. Rejuvenated, I make my way back to my feet. With every step, I feel the desire to continue seep out my pores in the form of sweat. I have made it to the stairs. I look to the door as the staggering intensity of this task takes a hold on my heart. I muster the courage to lift my left foot. Just as I am about to put it upon the first step, I see something zooming from the foliage. A solid object hits my big toe. I scream in horror as I realize what it is that has taken a sudden interest in me. I shake my foot with more zeal than has ever been displayed by any part of my body. The grasshopper has latched itself to my toe with a death grip. I jump around trying with the utmost vehemence to remove this spawn of Satan from my body. In a split second, everything has turned blue. With terror, I believe that I have been transported to another world which consists of nothing but blue walls. I turn my head. Blades of grass slice into my cheek. I look down. I watch the grasshopper jump from my toe into the flower bed. I look back up at the sky. I make a sad attempt to get back up when I realize, “It’s not worth it.”

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This article has 1 comment.

on May. 8 2010 at 9:42 pm
t0xic_tomato GOLD, Somewhere, Pennsylvania
12 articles 0 photos 10 comments
This amuses me.