Chemistry Nightmare | Teen Ink

Chemistry Nightmare

December 15, 2009
By Shanon BRONZE, Cleburne, Texas
Shanon BRONZE, Cleburne, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Walking in the doors of the first day junior year; I left high and mighty being a now new upper classmen and I was ready for whatever was to come. Until I went to my 2nd period chemistry class and met my teacher. I thought this lady was going to be crazy with her teased hair and crazy outfits. She cracked a joke and no one knew what to do. Do we laugh? Do we just smile? Who knows? A reason why we were so scared of this woman was because we heard rumors from students who had her from former years. We were all scared out of our minds.

Not only did we think our teacher was the meanest teacher in the school, she was also the hardest. I thought I understood science until I hear the word “stoichiometry”. This word is a combinations of chemistry and math twisted together to confuse the minds of students and to this day I still don’t completely know how to finish a stoichiometry problem.

Yes junior year chemistry was hard and throughout the year the woman I thought that was a mean o hag turned into be a sweet lady who helped me a lot though out my high school years. Even though I don’t have her in a class anymore from time to time she’ll see me in the hall, small, and say my name.

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