Yellow Rain Boots | Teen Ink

Yellow Rain Boots

September 11, 2009
By Stephanie Jackson BRONZE, Greensburg, Pennsylvania
Stephanie Jackson BRONZE, Greensburg, Pennsylvania
2 articles 2 photos 1 comment

Turquoise sunshine always filters best. I noticed that yesterday. Well, everyday. But just the same. It was beautiful just the same. Either day. I was walking, in the rain. It was warm and there were these little patches of sunshine coming in through the clouds. Surreal really. It was one of those days. I had on my yellow rain boots. And that red hat that I love so much. I was just walking. Alone. To work. Thats when I saw it. Under the trees. Right overhead the sun had broken through momentarily. It tried It's very best to squeeze in between leaves and branches. I think it was trying to shower the ground with some warmth. Maybe me. Either way it failed. But all of the sudden it lit up the big oak tree right in front of me. It looked as though someone had switched a light on in the tree. It was art. Masterful.

I seemed to blink. Well, certainly I blinked. And as I did so, it disappeared. Quite suddenly, just as it had appeared. It left me a little emptier, the ground a little dryer and the the birds with something to sing about on such a day. Because you know before they had hardly uttered a peep. Quite. But after that sight they couldn't stop! They whistled and...well, did whatever it is that birds do. For quite sometime. Delight. Thats a word. The word. It was a delight. I could not even resist but to be a smiling idiot. Not that smiling is always idiotic but when its in fact a dreary day in the city, one does certainly not walk down the road smiling at every he, she and animal in the vicinity. Idiotic. Simple idiotic.

I looked at the world a little greener that day. Not in terms of recycling or global warming or anything but perhaps with a greater sense of purpose and contentment. You know. You do.

Marilyn brought her kids in to work. I actually smiled at them. Maybe I am hallucinating, but they didn't seem quite so possessed today. Or maybe they were just medicated. I had suggested it. But really. They smiled at me. The one small thing even brought me a flower. You would be inclined to think this sweet had you not known he peed in my small plant...which is mother had given me. Just the same. My day was a tad sweeter for it. Not the pee. The flower. Of course.

I walked home the same way. Looking for a turquoise tree. Nope. No where to be found. More like gray dying trees. All the world was devoid of color on a rainy friday evening. I wandered downtown. Maybe he'd finally notice me. I thought that tree had been my sign. I was however must have been wrong. No signs ever. No where. All I got was to close to a bar door. Result? A bruised tailbone and a vomit stained silk blouse. Good day...

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