the calling | Teen Ink

the calling

December 13, 2023
By smaskovyak1458 BRONZE, Murfreesboro, Tennessee
smaskovyak1458 BRONZE, Murfreesboro, Tennessee
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The phone rings before the sun even wakes up. No one answer it. Then someone knocked on the storm door as the mother woke up and the family dog barks loudly. The mother races downstairs to see who was at the door thinking it was her daughters. It wasn't them there was two cops in uniform standing there quietly with there hats off holding them in front of them as the mother opens the door the more then the bigger of the cop tried to come through the door the family dog growled loudly like he has never before then the mother closed the door. then the phone started ringing she answered it was the cops she slammed it down. then she sat down on the couch and turned on the tv and it was the news channel its one of the channels they had on the tv. the news played missing girls there was 4 girls this month that when missing its been 2 months now then the news showed the pictures of the girls. the dog started whining and jumping trying to get to them then the power when out and the phone started ringing...

The author's comments:

what inspired to write this piece is there is missing people everyday and mothers are always going to be hopeful to get there kids back some come home and some dont 

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