Exile on Main Street | Teen Ink

Exile on Main Street

April 19, 2021
By JZFriedman BRONZE, Easton, Connecticut
JZFriedman BRONZE, Easton, Connecticut
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My school could afford to give us two weeks. I could probably make nine pipe bombs in that time. I know a guy who did that once; he's in jail now. 

Nah, I'm not that much of a bastard. I wouldn't do that, not yet, at least. But what I can do is limited. Normally I'd go and get drunk as hell and end up blacked out in the bed of some girl I just met. Dang this pandemic. It's no fun downing fireballs by myself. Waking up at 2 am on the kitchen floor with vomit on my clothes reminds me of how depressed I am. 

My parents don't leave their rooms anymore. When they self-diagnosed themselves as high risk, they took it as an opportunity to spend all day every day sleeping, drinking, and having sex. I have to deliver them their meals at 2:30, but I'm not allowed to enter their room. I'm too "high risk." I have to leave the food on the ground and knock very loudly. Then they get mad and shout at me, and I yell back and leave. 

I didn't have to decide what to do today because my girlfriend did it for me. Oh yeah, I have a girlfriend, by the way. I'm honestly just as surprised as you are. She's pretty and smart and funny, I guess. Oh, and she's got a cute behind. She's usually the one who makes plans because I'm bad at talking. That's what I like about her. She knows how to talk. She told me to meet her by the 7/11 on Main Street today at 4:00. It's within walking distance of her house.

I've been going to this 7/11 since I was 4. My dad left me in the booze aisle because he forgot to grab cigarettes. I remember I accidentally smashed a bottle on the ground. I got glass and chardonnay all over my little baby hands— women's drink. My dad was pretty mad, and so was the store clerk. He made my dad pay, and my dad made me pay by kicking my butt until blood caked his fists.

I was 10 minutes late. When I got there, she waved. I got out of the car, and she came over to me. She gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"Hey, Henry!" She said.

"Hey," I said. Introductions are a pain.

She grabbed my hand and quickly dragged me into the 7/11. I forgot how bad it smelled in there. It was like someone put a rotten fish in a sock and maced me in the nose with it. My girlfriend told me she wanted a Slurpee. I didn't want to buy her one because I can never understand how she or anybody else likes drinking those. I mean, I like the idea of drinking them. They have very fun colors and names, but then you actually go to drink one, and it's always too sweet, and it makes your teeth feel like they're decaying. You then realize you've just wasted your money, you take one more sip, and you throw it away. And yet, the next time you walk into a 7/11, you want one again, and you don't know why!

I gave in. I bought her the Slurpee. I like seeing the cheery look on her face while she's drinking one, even if her mask shields it. I hate masks. I'm bad at reading emotions, especially when masks are involved.

I didn't buy anything, and we left. My girlfriend wanted to go for a walk in the park, so we were headed back to my car. I tripped on a rock, and some change fell out of my pocket. When I turned around to pick it up, I locked eyes with him. A homeless man was sitting with his back against the left wall of the 7/11. I don't know how I didn't notice him before. It looked like he was eaten alive from the neck down. His clothes were all torn and raggedy, with some of the holes being so big you could see. The only thing not damaged was the beanie he was wearing. It was bright red and pristine, with no rip or tear in sight. I couldn't tell where it was from, but I had no interest in stealing his style. It saddens me that he was sitting there. It shows how little they care about us. Those sonuvagun feds won't even bat an eye while we are in the middle of a pandemic. I don't understand why a man like that wouldn't just take his life. What could he possibly have to live for?

"Come on, Henry, what are you waiting for? Let's go to the park!"

I've probably been staring for too long.

"Yeah, alright."

Maybe after the park she'll have sex with me. I'm still a virgin, but I'd probably be good at it.

The author's comments:

I wrote this piece because I was frustrated at the pandemic. I want people to feel like there are others who share their pain.

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