A Letter to my Sister | Teen Ink

A Letter to my Sister

January 1, 2018
By Hilly_Bean GOLD, Grantsburg, Wisconsin
Hilly_Bean GOLD, Grantsburg, Wisconsin
15 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Dear Sarah,
The war has just begun and already I am losing hope. Ever since Samuel left me alone to watch over the Birchwood Manor, things have been hard. I have to watch over the fields to make sure the work is being done and that we’re producing enough cotton to get us through these rough times. I do this all the while watching over young Frank and Scarlett.
Scarlett is doing very well on her school work but Frank has much different interests. He enjoys being outdoors, mainly to ride his new horse. He reminds me of Samuel when he does these things. It is hard for me to raise them in a time where the only talk is talk of war. Even when we go to church on Sunday mornings, the only talk is about our boys brave enough to fight.
I have tried to stay away from any mention of war. The ladies in my church group asked me to join them in nursing, as did the ladies in my sewing circle. It was hard to politely decline, but I don’t think I can handle seeing wounded men who were out there fighting with my Samuel. I know you help nurse your men, but you are stronger than I, Sarah. I wouldn’t be able to handle the heartbreak of watching a man die.
We mustn’t lose touch because of this war, my dear sister. I would like to think that you have best intentions, siding with your men, and pray you think the same of me. Samuel is fighting for us to keep our rights so we can keep selling cotton, keep our family alive. I know you want the same for us all.
The war has caused too many of the ladies to side against me, my dear Sarah. Only because I can’t volunteer time, services, or money, they think me evil. They accuse me of not caring about the Confederacy, of not caring about Samuel. Oh, how I wish for you to come down to Birchwood Manor to visit me. I know they need you in New York, but your family down here needs you, too.
Your sister,
Ellen Wilkes

The author's comments:

A letter from Ellen to her sister Sarah about how she's doing during the war.

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