Blind Date | Teen Ink

Blind Date

April 7, 2016
By JamieVelez BRONZE, Palatine, Illinois
JamieVelez BRONZE, Palatine, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

S***! Did I forget to turn the oven off? I'm nervous and a million thoughts are pulsing through my head. My hands are a bit sweaty and my knees began to shake. Speeding through traffic, driving past three red lights, I was late! I was so nervous for this disaster I was about to get myself into. Why did I let my best friend convince me to go on this blind date? She tells me he's quite the guy though. I hope so, I wore my nice heels tonight. I arrive at the small Italian restaurant, placed right at the end of Smith Rd. I'm familiar with to area because there's also a small Chinese take out right around the corner, I order from there at least twice a week. I begin to walk inside the restaurant and notice a small yellow stain on the corner of my red dress. I quickly try to wipe the stain, and proceed to walk inside.

Ten minutes late! Seriously! I nervously sit at the table waiting for my blind date to arrive. Again and again, I fold the napkins on the tables. I place the utensils in their proper place, and even give the glasses one last clean before she walks in. She finally arrives. One of the most beautiful women I've laid my eyes on. A silky red dress lays across her body. As my eyes follow the side of her dress I notice a small mustard like stain in the corner of her dress. We'll see how this date goes…

“Hi, Rebecca, right?” Robert said.
“Yep, that's me. Sorry, I was running late.”
“No worries! It's really nice to have you”
“I agree!” She said.

“So, what things are you into? Do you enjoying reading, writing, or any type of art? I'm quite a fan of the classicals, how about you?”
Rebecca was overwhelmed with questions, she didn't quite know how to respond.
“Why don't I take a seat?” She replies.
“Oh, yes! How rude, I'm so terrible sorry!”
“It's okay, have you ordered yet?”

“No, I've decided to wait” he said.

The waiter approaches the table. He pours both of them a tall glass of water.

“Can I start by getting you guys something to drink?” “Possibly a glass of wine or soda.” The waiter says.

“I'm O.K. with the water thanks!” Robert says.

“I'll take the strongest liquor you've got!” Rebecca says.

The author's comments:

A picture of two refrigerator helped inspired me to write this piece. One very clean and healthy and another very messy and dirty. This piece is about two polar opposites coming together, through a mutual friend, on a blind date.

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