The German Dog And I | Teen Ink

The German Dog And I

January 25, 2016
By ThisIsPuGGy SILVER, Yokohama, Other
ThisIsPuGGy SILVER, Yokohama, Other
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On January 20th, 2016, I was reading about a fossil found in Germany on a magazine. I been reading it for an hour or two.

I decided to take a break. I stretched my arms and wiggled my toes. It has been an exhausting week.
Then a scientist opened the clean room door and came to me and said, “Dr. Pooter, there’s a message for you.”
I snatched the letter from him and told him to scram. I opened the letter and there was a letter and a another piece of paper, brown. I read the letter:
“Dear Dr. Pooter,
As my friends and I were walking on Jerusalem Beach, we have happened to find these papers in a bottle stuck in the sand. One of my friends who learned to speak and talk Yiddish looked at this and said with a shocked expression on his face, “This is about the German war, a diary of a survivor.” This shocked me a lot, so I sent it over to you and hope that you get valuable information about what happened. Since you’re a real good friend of mine, I trust you to crack the code, my friend.
Christopher Andrew Marlen”
I looked up from the letter. Christopher has been an old friend of mine, before I became a scientist. He never jokes about anything. If he is telling me about this, this is serious.
“Hey Bill”, I called out to the scientist who I told to scram,”You need to come look at this. We have a lot of work to do.”

When I was only 12, almost the age of myself being a Jewish man and lived in Poland before the war began. I was forced to the Nazi Camp and ended up as a tinmaker. Everyday, in the camp, everyone was to eat a piece of bread and a bowl of turnip soup. Everyone in my bunk suffered lice, typhus and probably even more. The pain we all feel everyday, tiredness, sickness and seeing a fellow Jew die by the Germans. I had to suffer that until I met a dog.

November 1, 1943, the place that is now called Berlin
I am putting my arms around my knees, trying to stay warm. I am freezing to death. The soup I had for breakfast was cold and tasted disgusting. But at least it's better than nothing I always thought as I ate. The problem about me is that I got really small prisoner clothes so they hardly do anything against this cold winter right now.
A German barked out some German words. I looked up. The German was yelling at a Jewish person I don’t know. The Jewish person spilled his soup by accident and it landed on the German’s boot. The German kicked the Jew who fell and starting to wince. I closed my eyes and before I know it, I heard a bullet that took the man’s life.
I got used to this. For example, I seen my mother and father dying in front of me in the camp. I seen too many deaths. I slowly got up, opened my eyes and avoided looking at the dead body.
I came the the fence. I sat next to it, wondering if I can escape without getting caught until I heard a bark.
A dog, kneeling on the other side of the fence was looking at me as if he felt sorry for me. Normally, dogs would attack Jews even they didn’t do anything wrong, but this dog was different. He was small, compared to other dogs and look like he was still a puppy. He whimpered and nugged his snout through the fence and touched my hand.
“Hey boy”, I whispered,”Be lucky that you are a dog, not a Jew like me.”
The puppy suddenly ran off the moment I said Jew. I guess he knew that he shouldn’t stay near me. Before I stood up and walked away, the puppy came back with a chicken leg in his mouth that looked like it been roasted. He came to me and put it on my hand, through the fence. Then gave a friendly bark and ran away.
I stared at the dog before he disappeared out of site. He understood what it felt like out here. I gobbled it down and decided that that puppy should have a name. I named him, “?????????” which meant savior in Yiddish.

November 21, 1943
The dog and I became good friends. He stole food, prison clothing and even German coats and pants. He’s been my savior. On November 20th, when I marched home from work, I heard Germans talking about the camp being bombed by the Russians. I almost cheered, but then I realised: They are going to kill us too.
When I met the dog the next morning, we decided to make a run for it. We needed to get away as far as possible.
When it was night time, the dog and I sneaked into the workplace and I took a horse, a gun, food and ammo. I realised that there was no Germans in there. Weird.
I wondered where they were. I had a feeling that they left after they heard about the Russians going to bomb Berlin. I wanted to bring all my friends with me, but I  hesitated, as I thought they might slow me down, and end up making us killed. So the dog and I went to the gates, which were open for some reason, and we got out of here.

November 30th, 1943
I’m screwed.
The dog and I left just in time to see the Russians bomb our camp. There was a lot of screaming and lots of fires. We watched the view from a hill close enough to see what happened.
Then I realised: we are going to be freezing to death soon, since it's going to be the start of winter tomorrow. Savior must have realised what I was thinking about because he started to whimper. My plan is to go back to Poland, and seek help, but then that was full of the Germans. So yes we survived, but we don’t know where to go, since nearly every country was occupied by the Germans.

December 7th, 1943
Todays is my birthday, and I got gift.
My dog and I were looking through the ruins of our camp, to find more food, water and some clothes, and we found a plane, neat and tidy. Before my father died, he taught me how to make an airplane work and fly on it. And this was the type of plane he taught me with.
We went on it, and it had a lot of gas in it. Without hesitating, I turned the airplane on and got out of this place, and sang a well known song of Glenn Miller, called, “Chattanooga choo choo”  with the dog barking the background music with me, until I realised that any country might think that we are enemies and shoot us down.

Well we landed in a pretty nice place.
We landed in the ocean after our plane ran out of gas. We called/barked for help and a ship that was passing by picked us up.  Since I was Jewish, my dad made me learn the language Yiddish, the language that they speak.
They told me that we are in Israel, and we were welcome there, even if we were Jewish. They said that they didn’t like the Germans and were willing to help us. They said that they were escaping from Israel and were happy to help me. They were heading towards Tunisia, a German free state, so I was happy to go there

May 1st, 1946
We came to Israel at Rosh Chodesh Iyyar, a Jewish holiday. Germany surrendered and left our country and we left happily. When we came there, a lot of Jewish people greeted us and celebrated with us. David Ben-Gurion invited the dog and I to his house and told me to tell what happened. After what I told him, he told me not to tell anyone.
He didn’t know that I had a journal about every that happened during the war, so I must make a finish and put it in a bottle and be left with peace. I’m now 15, and by the time you’d be reading this, I bet that I’ll be dead.
Anyways, I will be living around the Jerusalem beach. My dog and I still have lives to live.
-Ihar Gehan Ruh

I rubbed my eyes and just couldn’t believe it.
“What the hell,” said the scientist, Dr. Bill.”How come this story was never found until 70 years?”
“I don’t know,” I admitted as I sighed,”But this document looks like it's going to be ripped with a single touch.”
“But what are we going to do with it?”
I honestly didn’t know. We should show it to the officials, but then I didn’t feel like it.
I stood up.
“Let’s call some people. You know, the head of the science department, the officials and more. Then we’ll see.”
We walked away from the old parchment, and went out of the clean room. But as the lab door open, the parchment crumbled into dust, until you couldn’t see it, as if it never existed.

The author's comments:

The war part is true back the now part is fictionous

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