Slave in mind | Teen Ink

Slave in mind

July 23, 2015
By Pedro Zavala BRONZE, Chicago, Illinois
Pedro Zavala BRONZE, Chicago, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

When I saw the leather rope strike him in the back and ripped his skin off to a point where you see the next layer after your skin. My dad’s right hand man must of hit that kid about millions of time before he passed out of pain. He was not that old maybe about 14 years old kind of skinny no more than 100 pounds. When I first met him he was about 6 years old. Not to big of a kid always dirty I would ask my dad why they didn't they have a big house like the rest of the people his response was always the same “ They don't the money to buy a house son”.
When growing up I was kind of isolated I was raised inside my house the teachers, doctors and dentist come to see me. I don't really get out a lot to do anything that's not from inside the fences. When I would see the kids of the people who worked for my dad play around and had fun. I wanted to have as much fun as they were but my dad had told me to stay away from those people that they were simply workers. I was grown up already I was able to brush my teeth and sleep in a room by myself. I was tired of listening to my dad I am going to make my own decisions. So I decided to play with them today. I approached him in a I thought friendly way. He did not reply to me when I talked to him he just stared into mid air.
When I told him lets play tag he gave me a blank stare so I started to talk to him ask him questions he told me he was only 13 years old and his name was faru. He also told me that he worked for my dad because his dad worked for mine to. He said he was born into slavery. That made me feel that we were all born into something like everyone had their destiny arranged for them. He told me about his life and how they made him work hard and he had a set bedtime.
His life did not really seem that fun but he looked like he had more fun than me he actually got to spend time with his dad. I never had the time to do that with my dad he was actually all over the place and always busy. People in town love my father even when he made laws and he went against slavery. He helped people in america become independent from the great land of england. I laugh when he told me that we were different because the color of our skin. I was amused by the things that this kid would tell. When his dad saw us hanging out he got in trouble. I didn't see him in like 3 days which was a long time since ever that I could remember I saw him everyday either feeding the horses or he was fixing something around the house. When I saw him again by the little dog house that they used as a home. He was terrified of talking to me I guess that the way the hit him made him think twice about talking to me
Like he had said before his dad and my dad didn't want us to play together because we were different type of people. I was wondering what he was talking about and what he meant when he said that we were both human. We bleed the same way, we both needed air to live, we were both people so I really didn't understand what he was trying to say. We went months without talking to each other, I was feeling guilty for the way he felt about us its my fault that he got hit the way he did. He refused to talk to me as if he was still scared for what was going to happen to him if he did talk to me.
When I later turned 18 my father wanted to make me head of his household and the all of his product making companies. So I took the offer, the first thing I did was look for that once boy I met when we were 14 years old. He entered my office his head down not wanting to look at me. He looked tired the bags under his eyes sweat dripping down his face. I asked him to sit and relaxed ,after I said that he gave me a look of disgust. He said “ i'm okay what do you want from me?. I replied “and why do u say I want something from you?”.  He looked up and just stared at me. When I was growing up I thought about how he had to work his whole life and I just inherited all of my money and power. He said we were very different and we were there was two worlds the slave one and the free.
I told him that he was going to be my personal helper. He smiled at me and said “ okay I will under one condition”. He wanted to have control over his section of workers as well. I thought to myself who better then a guy who has lived there his whole life. We both grew together and when he was 28 he died of some strange disease in his body. He taught me something about life and that was that even when you have been a slave your whole life you're not just a slave that does labor work but a slave that people get control of in taking over slaves thoughts and brains.

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