Open Windows | Teen Ink

Open Windows

June 1, 2015
By Tessabarnezz SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
Tessabarnezz SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Dear automatic flushing toilet, I enjoy your enthusiasm but I wasn't done yet.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh waking up from an unwelcome visitor. Screeching and more whooshing the bat has dive bombed them for 10 minutes. Mother Sally has decided her and her  growing baby are going for a scavenger hunt. Freddy is kicking and twirling around in Sally’s tummy. Freddy isn’t a very happy baby. Mother Sally grabs the useful racket from down the stairs and searches for the guest. That snuck in through the windows crack on such a warm shopping night.

This little girl named Angel is hiding in the covers because there is a big black blob flying around and at her. Whoosh, scream, whoosh, scream, Flying around and diving down Right at her covers a big whoosh equals a loud scream from Angel. Mother Sally steps in right there with her racket in hand and an arm around her hill of a stomach. Angel seeing her mom falls right out of the bed and runs with her little feet thundering the floor in the dark. The new princess barbie doll gown sweeping the floor from the road trip to target that night. Expertly dodging the toys and legos and leaving her Heavy sleeper brother snoozing behind.

Sally in the two kids rooms ushers Angel to Gary’s open arms to Hide under the covers. Well she fearlessly searches again for the bat that is waking up this saturday night's sleep. Gary flips the covers over Sally’s and his head as a protective shield. With Sally out searching for this bat, and Gary with Angel hide under the covers of Sally’s and Gary’s cream colored room.

Angel is crying her blue eyes out with her blonde hair spewing around her head. Gary grabs the girl and comforts her. Not long after he starts with the jokes to Angel.How did the chicken cross the road? Who was at the front door on the step?  After many laughs and jokes they peek out of the fluffy and heavy covers for some air.

Sally is out searching for the bat, hunger and cravings getting to her. Sally’s conscious is one of a kind and tells her to look by the fridge and in it. Of course it wasn't down there but the food was. Pickles, hamburgers, steak and even some celery. Adding some peanut butter to the celery after washing Sally’s hunger is gone. The bat isn’t down there and Sally knows that for one there isn't any noise in the house. All that is heard is the rain drops hitting the roof and window. The open window that she forgot to shut because is was a warm night before it rained. Lightning illuminates the floor below and cast shadows on the hardwood floor. After Sally’s snack she begins her search yet again for this nuisance.

Dave the sleeping boy is not bothered by this disruption in the night. Just sleeping away the thoughts and the bat. Although he may be sleeping, and unaware that the bat is using his room as its stowaway area. Sally of course is slowly padding the floor with her feet up the stairs wobbling slightly. The hand on the racket is on the wall and is going up the wall making eerie screeching noises. Dave now stirring in his sleep lays his right arm over his forehead and eyes. Mouth agape and his nine year old ears listening to the frightening racket screech. Dave still not awake laying in bed hears the scream of this bat that’s now in his closet with his mom Sally with the racket. Dave is most definitely awake and scared now.

Sally found the bat and awoken the nocturnal child also. Cornering the bat was hard enough with it flying round and she had enough. So Sally did the unthinkable and shut the door to Daves room trapping it in the room with Sally and a little boy, Dave. Nervousness and a lot of Fear is what’s running through the veins of that child. Scared till he wet the bed. The poor poor bed now has a stench like no other. With the bat flying around Sally not wanting to hurt it opens the window. Taking the racket in her right arm and stretching out to touch the ceiling with her short frame shooing the bat to the window.

Screeching and and ear piercing scream coming from the bat now knowing It’s going to get trapped. Swish the the left and a down low to ground level flying under the bed into hiding. With Sally not seeing much as the room is dark gives up for the morning. Feet swollen and a headache coming on sits down on the rocking chair for a rest. Dave laying in her lap falls asleep and gently is put back on the stench bed. “The bed will have to be cleaned tomorrow” says Sally.

Peeking out of the heavy covers to get some air but quickly ducking their heads back in with the covers over and tucked under them. They have no clue where the bat is so the start talking and laughing the little girl tried to hold in her laugh and look stern and serious as much as a little girl could be. This caused her to toot a good silent but deadly one. Suffocating and coughing Gary says “Did You Fart!” Laughing till she is crying and says “it doesn’t smell that bad.” “Holy crap how did that come from you” Gary says in astonishment. That went one for another ten minutes before they died down. So they fell asleep with there head peeking out of the covers and pillows on there forehead to keep that bat away.

Sally wakes up in the rocking chair and looks over at the old clock on the wooden nightstand. 3:30 in the morning and Sally is awakes with her racket on the ground at her feet. Swollen feet and waddles to her room that Gary and Angel are currently occupying. Sneaking in the the covers with only a little tidal wave set there way on their king sized waterbed. Soon Sally was asleep right next to Angel with Gary beside her. No more waking up, no more dive bombing, no more open windows and no more saturday night antisleep visitor.

Birds chirping and a pain like no other in her leg as a little girl jumps on the bed falling down on the sleeping hormonal pregnant women. With a yelp she sits up and suddenly gets dizzy but says good morning none the less. Gary snoozing away on her right and have not a care in the world. Till Dave decides that waking up his daddy on a Sunday morning for church is his duty. “Wake up, wake uppppp” screamed this little boy to his father. Groaning with protest and throwing an old pillow that was white at one point over his head. Which only messed up his dark hair even more. “Beep beep, beep beep” the alarm clock starts blaring noise. Mother Sally reaches and stretches to stop the alarm and knocks it on the ground with a crash.

The author's comments:

its from an old family story, now with a twist.

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