Night and Fog | Teen Ink

Night and Fog

March 6, 2014
By marlyn-stella BRONZE, Philadelphis, Pennsylvania
marlyn-stella BRONZE, Philadelphis, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

As days pass, we see people coming in and disappearing. With every night that comes, we ask ourselves, is this how I’ll die?
When I try to look for the moon to give me a little bit of hope, it’s not there. Always, the smoke from the buildings in the East, blocks it. When passing in front of it we would smell burn meat, as if someone behind those walls was preparing for a Goulash . We wonder what happens there. Was it possible, as we died of starvation and were malnourish, others feast on the other side of the wall? From our blockhouse we could hear their screams and groans of agony, demanding to be freed.
Around us children are hardly seen. Those we saw were young women, and, were hardly capable of keeping themselves up. They kept falling, and, as they fell, the SS officers laughed. At night, we would try to comfort them with only our arms, since speak would deteriorate us.
When hunger keeps us from sleeping, one or two women would talk about their kids and their husbands, and how they left them behind. When they notice the lice on the children, they think of remedies they could of whip up easily.
In every ways that he could the officers would humiliate us. When they took role, they would force us to strip naked in the freezing winter. Then, we would see what remains of our fellow inmates.
I’ve the officers talking about Hitler’s progress in West of Europe. So much pride they take in a hypocritical man! They tell us “In cleanness lies health.” But, how can we be clean if we’re not in health? They tell us “Work liberates.” But, no freedom was shown to us. They tell us “To each his own due.” But, how can we receive our due, if the person in charged has so much greed?
With every blood cake smeared on the ground, we keep going, hoping one day we’ll get pass the electrified fence.
-Margrit Eiffel.

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