In Remembrance of Victoria Alvarez Brito | Teen Ink

In Remembrance of Victoria Alvarez Brito

March 27, 2012
By Anonymous

I never thought this day would come, the day I would die. I was turning on the computer at my desk and I got a cup of coffee, and then I got back to my desk and the computer came up. I saw the picture of my family and I on a trip to Cancun. I was in a good mood; it was hot for September. It was a clear blue sky when I left that morning and walked to the subway. Day dreaming about the trip that we took and the trip that we were going to take to the Netherlands next summer, I made it into the office wondering how I even got there. Then the building shook, knocking me to the floor. I tried to hide, but I guess it didn’t work. I heard my coworkers screaming and crying out in pain. I just knew that I was going to die. I was stuck in my panic, and I was thinking I should call 911. That was the last thing that I thought in my whole life was that I should call 911 and get help.
It hit the building and then I was just hoping it was just a dream and that this isn’t happening but then I released that it wasn’t a dream it was really happening. I think this will never get out of my head how much I am going to miss my kids Jamie and Raul and my Husband. Now I am going to write this book and keep writing in it every day that in till he comes up to heaven and I am going to meet him again and then I am going to give him this book that I am writing him. I wish that I could go back in time so I can just say I love you and I can hug and kiss them for the last time. But then I won’t be able to for like another 10 years and that is going to really hard that I haven’t seen my kids for like 20 years. Well I am going to s some more tomorrow and then I will say hi to your grandparents for our grandparents.

Love Mommy

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