9/11 Attack! | Teen Ink

9/11 Attack!

March 13, 2012
By Ca-sassy BRONZE, Wind Lake, Wisconsin
Ca-sassy BRONZE, Wind Lake, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Don’t worry, I’m alive... It… It didn’t hit my tower. I’m coming home.”
I told them I was fine; I let them know that I was safe, and then let the phone drop. It was a lie. But I didn’t know it at the time.

I have a husband and a two year old daughter, Lexi. Both of them mean the world to me. As a matter of fact, my life means the world to me. I’m only 24, but I plan on living life to the fullest. I guess you could say I started out the first 24 years of my life doing exactly that. I’ve got many friends, a family, money, good health, and so far, great memories.
“I have pancakes ready, but now I have to hit the road. You’re alright taking her to the daycare?” I asked.
“Yes, no need to worry, I’ve got it all covered!”
“And I’ll be back right in time for our banquet this evening. I love you! Bye!” I drove my car, parked it, and walked into the south twin tower. I’ve worked here for less than a year in the financial area. It’s the same thing pretty much every day, yet it never seems to get boring! I greeted everyone, and then got in the elevator. I have to take it to the 74th floor, which doesn’t bother me, considering I almost always have company in there with me. I just love the view from up here, it makes me believe I can accomplish amazing things. Anyways, I had a meeting to get to at 9:15am. I checked the clock. 8:32. Perfect, I had just enough time to make some calls.
Another plus of my job is talking to my various clients. We live in such an endlessly diverse world, where I swear I learn amazing new things each day. I dialed a client that has trusted us to invest his money for years.
“So we’re going to go with plan C, correct?”
“Yes, I’ve thought it over, and with my age, I’m thinking that will be the best decision for now.”
“Alright, let me just take a second to put this in your files…”
“Look outside. Right now.”
“Excuse me, sir?”
“You have to look outside. RIGHT NOW.”
The phone went dead; I didn’t understand. It frightened me more than anything, actually. I dashed to window, and what I saw was unlike anything other. It shocked me. It was complete confusion, I could hear it now. And feel it, the tension, it was abnormal. All I could think about was my family and friends. Were they alright? I felt the need to help, but there was no possible way I could do that. We were all ordered to keep calm and continue on with our business. It was clearly an accident, and everything would be fine. Fine for us, that is.
A shock wave rocketed through the building. It was right above me. A second plane. This is no accident, someone wants to prove something. The world seemed to come to a halt. All was silent… Then it erupted into pure chaos. I HAD to get out, be safe, and see my family again. The problem is, I don’t think there was anywhere to go nearby. Until now, I hadn’t even noticed my surroundings. One thing is sure, it was not going to be easy to exit this building.
I took the steps as fast as I could and ran with all my power. At one point, it was super crowded. I whipped out my phone and dialed my family. I told them I was coming, and that they should stay safe. Evacuation resumed for a while, but I became trapped. The building was slowly crumbling, and I had to face the truth. I wasn’t going to survive. I called and left a message, simply saying “I love you.” My short life flashed before my eyes. Then…. Nothing.







My life was taken that Tuesday. It was taken along with many others. Yes, what happened was horrifying. And watching them try to sort through everything from that day is just crazy. My husband and daughter survived, and he’s raising Lexi well. Memorials were built, but our souls will never rest in peace. You can’t take life for granted. You must live each day like it’s your last, because, for all you know, it just might be. By the way, he did receive my message, and continues to treasure it to this day.

The author's comments:
For reading class(:
And based on true facts!

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This article has 2 comments.

on Mar. 18 2012 at 10:33 pm
Jessica. SILVER, Lynwood, California
9 articles 0 photos 43 comments

Favorite Quote:
Call no man happy 'till he is dead

so sad, cant imagine how horrible it was to be in those buildings

on Mar. 16 2012 at 8:43 pm
AugustSummerFling PLATINUM, Mylapore, Chennai, Other
35 articles 0 photos 265 comments

Favorite Quote:
'For you, a thousand times over.' - Hassan, The Kite Runner

A professional writer is an amateur who didn't quit.

this was very nice... these sort of stories are really sad and touching... I know you should never EVER take life for granted... Even I've learnt that lesson... You could have elaborated more on what she actually saw and how the plane was crashing in?? and the reactions of people around you? message conveyed is great :)

please check out my work too :) plus I'm going to write a piece on March 11 2011 so I hope you'll check it out when I upload it :) thanks :)